Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

The Lost Post

Recently, I had to opportunity to listen to Ken Ham speak down the street from my house.  As you might know, Ken Ham is a young-earth creationist, meaning he believes the world is literally 6,000 years old.  After the talk, I came home and wrote a lengthy speaker review.  I am sad to announce that when I restarted my computer after a software update, I failed to save the speaker review.  Do not to worry though.  I promise to deliver more speaker, book, movie, and album reviews in the future for your reading enjoyment.

As for the Ken Ham review, I still want to publish a few of my impressions albeit in an ultra-condensed form.  After reading a few atheist and science blogs online, I wondered if the person I was reading about and the person I saw speak were one in the same.  On these blogs, Mr. Ham was called a "crackpot", "silly", "lunatic", "hypocrite", and "hate-monger".  I can definitively verify that while Mr. Ham's belief on the age of the earth is misguided, he does not deserve a slew of brutal insults.

In his talk, Mr. Ham made a few insightful observations about the secularization of America.  He cited 1 Corinthians 23 as the basis for his entire lecture- "But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the greeks foolishness."  In our society, the Jews are the people who have already been exposed to the foundational knowledge of Jesus as the Son of God, but failed to accept that premise.  To the ancient Greeks, the concept of Jesus Christ was entirely foreign primarily because they worshipped multiple deities.  They were bewildered at the prospect of one God sending his one and only Son down to earth.  From there, Mr. Ham claimed that America is increasingly becoming a nation of "Greeks" because we are further alienating ourselves from the foundational knowledge of Christianity.  This is why 2 out of 3 members decide leave Christianity.

Overall, I left Mr. Ham's talk with a positive feeling.  Although I disagree with him on scientific matters, he is a good man who deserved to be treated with respect.  In my view, the way a few bloggers treated him was the thing that incited frustration and resentment more than any content in Mr. Ham's lecture.  Everyone I encountered at the Baptist Church where he spoke was friendly and cordial.  All in all, seeing Mr. Ham speak was a positive experience.

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