Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

A Beginner's Guide to Straight Edge

I've written about straight edge before and I myself adhere to the straight edge principles.  The straight edge movement is an offshoot of the hardcore punk scene in the 1980s and it was a direct revolution against the sexual revolution, hedonism, and excess.  The idea behind it is to adopt a lifestyle that emphasizes self-control at all times.  Today, the meaning of straight edge is still debated, but it is agreed upon that edgers do not consume alcohol, refrain from using drugs, and abstain from promiscuity.   Specifically, the purpose of making the choice to be straightedge revolves around the desire to have as much personal control over your life as possible.  As you might know, drugs and alcohol prevent people from living well and doing things that are good for them.  Although not directly associated with the ancient philosophers, there is a connection between straight edge and Socrates' conception of living well, clarifying our ideals, and living an examined life.  The straight edge lifestyle wishes to repel people from unhealthy lives filled with alcohol, drugs, promiscuous sex, and gluttony.  There is no central doctrine, just a few guiding principles because straight edge folks believe that you should not be suppressed by dogma.

Although straight edge has evolved into a movement, it's important to keep in mind the original meaning of the term.  Straight edge is a declaration for the right to live your life the way you want to.  It is NOT about telling people how to live their lives despite what you might hear.  I am not straight edge because I think there is something inherently evil in alcohol, drugs, or sex.  I am against these things because they lead to a life of dependence and obsession.  If you commit all your time to one thing that is damaging, then it is clearly a poor idea.     

It's important to note that Ian MacKaye, who is often credited as being the creator of the movement, does not see straight edge as a movement or even a lifestyle.  Here's a quote from him:
When I wrote the song "Straight Edge", I wasn't writing about something new.  I wasn't saying, "Hey, here is a new way to live!" I was talking about the way that people live to begin with...it's no lifestyle!  A lifestyle is something that once chooses...being straight is the base, that's what underneath all of this!  We're born that way!...Another problem I see associated with the "straight edge lifestyle" is that it becomes a framework for merchandise...People look for things to signify their lifestyle choices.  I cannot believe it when I see straight edge merchandise!  It's just mind-boggling.

1. Don't Drink Alcohol
Alcohol is discouraged because it has the potential to make an individual lose control over her mind and actions.  Alcohol is also to be avoided because it works against self-awareness and discipline.  Your mind is your greatest gift, so why would you want to desecrate that gift by inputting alcohol in your body?  Why would you let your mind waste away when there is a world to conquer out there?  In the straight edge, you don't need alcohol to have a good time.  

2. Don't Smoke
In order to maximize your potential as a human being, you must be in peak physical condition.  So many people turn to drugs to get away from their problems instead of confronting them head-on.  Life can be cold and difficult, and if you can overcome heartache and pain without the assistance of cigarettes and drugs, you are better person for it.  It's gotten to the point in our society where smokers cannot go more than an hour without lighting up when things get rough.  Why go through life that way?  I don't need it.  

3. Don't do Illegal or Mind-Altering Drugs
Along the same lines as #2, there are people who need their "comfort drug" to make it through a tough week.  Instead of facing the world with a singular determination, drug users stray away from their self-discipline and ruin their bodies in the process.  In the long run, drugs hinder your life experience.  I've been encouraged to try marijuana with the tagline, "Life is short.  You need to try everything at least once."  A clear mind that appreciates every little detail and pushes itself to its absolute limits is far more gratifying to me than a mind-altering joint.  No thanks. 

4. Abstain from Promiscuity and Harmful Sex
Once again, unrestrained sex is a form of slavery that is a hindrance to the goal of absolute self control.  Sleeping around restricts an individual from truly living well.  Although straight edge does not prohibit sex outright, it does take a stand against promiscuous and anonymous sex.  Furthermore, straight edge takes a stance against manipulative, abusive, and quest-oriented sex.  As a teenager, I heard stories about guys abusing girls, neglecting girl's feelings and only being concerned with their own personal pleasure.  I knew girls who were traumatized and hurt by guys who only wanted sexual satisfaction.  Henry David Thoreau says it much more eloquently than myself:
I went into the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life...to put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
A lot of people misinterpret the stance against harmful sex as an assertion against all sex.  That is a grossly misguided sentiment.  Many religions are bent on preventing people from having sex until marriage, but straight edge takes no position on premarital sex.  It does take a stance against sex that is harmful, selfish, and manipulative.

5. Listen to Straight Edge Bands (optional)
In addition to rejecting alcohol, drugs, and harmful sex, there are many straight edge bands because after all, straight edge emerged out of the hardcore punk rock scene.  

Here's the lyrics to a great song called Armed With A Mind by Have Heart 

Caked up and faked up,
She's obsessed with the outside.
Nothing earned, too afraid to fail. 
So she led a hollow life void of insight
Loving what you see, but you fear what you think 
Because of your mind and your body
There's a missing link
That leaves you vulnerable, susceptible to pain
You're a garden of potential submerged in the rain 
True beauty, cant be seen, with the eyes 
ARMED, armed with a mind
I’m gonna strengthen my action with thought 
Make use of the gift that I got 
And walk fearless because I’m armed-with-a-mind
A weak offense when you step to this
Mind over matter is power over fists
I walk fearless because I’m armed with-a-mind 
I walk fearless with a mind far greater than just a fist. 

Spineless and mindless.
You flex your muscles and not you’re head
A deep man with a strong point made without one thoughtful word said?
"Huff and puff", the fierce fists will do the talking
Can’t speak for yourself so your crew’s with you walking
Tell me what’s worth fighting for...
And it better be something greater than an evening of the score 

Boy, your true strength sleeps behind your eyes! 
It’s the absent minded fool, who's afraid to think, 
To extend an open hand, 
To dare to earn a thing.
It’s the gift inside your head not to take for granted..
Because an unexamined life is a seed unplanted.
As the animals, they can’t reason
But as humans we can.
So are you just a wild animal or a rational man?
Our bodies bring us nowhere, might does NOT make right.
There’s a gift inside your head

Many people scoff at and ridicule the straight edge way of living, but it's the hardest, most disciplined thing I've ever encountered.  It is a lifetime commitment.  Here's another song by another straight edge band called Champion in the song "Different Directions"

Let's keep it clear what I need from you is just a little space
Don't understand the goals I've set
Or the choices that I've made
Days fly by in the blink of an eye
And I find that years have past
Can't spend my life chasing expectations you've set
Let's keep it clear what I need from you is just a little space
Don't understand the goals I've set
Or the choices that I've made
Years fly by in the blink of an eye
And I'll find that I've grown old
So much to do and so little time
And I can't live these days for you
That's not the way I want to live

So I'm always going to push it away
You need to give me room to breathe
I want to live, live the life that I know is right for me
I want to live, and I know my mistakes
Are just lessons learned
I want to live, live the life that I know is right for me, drug free
I want to live, can't you see what's right?
If it's not my choice then it's not my life
And I want to live, live my own life

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