Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Dispatch 1/31/2011

Sitting at public computer in Lawrence, Kansas.  The last week has been a blur, but I am finally getting back into the swing of things.  It shouldn't be long before I start posting more interesting things.  The situation in Egypt right now is very troubling for the international community.  Egyptians are calling for President Hosni Mubarak to leave his office.  Unemployment is approaching 40%.  Everyday people are protesting in the streets and clashing with police.  There's even a curfew in place.  American relief has been excellent during this whole debacle.  Last time I checked, we are working to evacuate Egyptians from their downward spiraling country.  There have been 163 reported deaths in the riots and countless injuries.  One thing is for certain.  Things are changing in the world.  The next decade in international relations should be very interesting.  Fortunately in America, we don't have the kind of revolutions and revolts that the rest of the world must cope with.  For the most part, we live in a peaceful democracy where power is handed over without violence. 

Over the weekend, I attended a Christian conference geared primarily towards steering men away from pornography.  I'm not quite sure how I feel about the issue in general, but the conference went very well.  Everyone there was friendly and cool to me.  I definitely don't support the porn industry, but I think the prevention efforts can be a little overdone.  Lifetime accountability partners and software programs that monitor every single webpage your child views seems to be a breach of privacy and personal freedom.  Anyway, my job was to record the breakout talks, convert them to CDs, then sell them to the patrons of the conference.  All in all, the company I work for moved 600 CDs, which is a significant accomplishment.

I keep hearing about a massive snow storm moving across the Kansas area.  It's supposed to drop anywhere from 8-14 inches of snow.  Right now, the grounds are slick.  Students and professors are slipping and sliding all over the place.  As long as no one gets hurt, it's actually comical.  Colleges don't cancel school often, but I would welcome a snow day or two.  I should probably get around do doing my logic homework just in case we have class tomorrow. 

Thanks for reading this,



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