Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

7 Ways To Increase Your Productivity

We all are guilty of wasting time through one means or another.  For many people, Facebook, internet surfing, and mindless television shows steal our precious time.  Here's a list of ways to be more productive without sacrificing your free time.

1. Minimize The Time You Spend On The Internet
For all of us, the internet is a wonderful tool.  Essentially, we have an entire library at our fingertips.  You can run a quick Google search to find out an answer to any question you might have.  However, being on the internet too much can take a serious hit on your productivity.  Constantly checking e-mails, Facebook, weather, and software updates can take your attention away from things that are actually important.  Make a promise to yourself to only check all of these things twice a day- once in the morning and once in the evening.

2. Cultivate A Positive Mental Attitude
Most managers will tell you that attitude is everything and for the most part, they are correct.  So put a smile on your face and treat everyone with the utmost respect.  Being positive does not mean that you cannot be productive.  Being enthusiastic and friendly can actually boost how much you are able to accomplish in a day.  In your life, you will run across people who view the glass as half empty.  How you react to these people is crucial.  You can either be influenced by their negativity or you can use positive energy to redirect their negative thoughts.

3. Learn How To Adapt
Life will throw you unexpected curveballs every single day.  Kids will get in trouble at school.  Your parents will ask you to do a chore around the house that takes more time than you expected.  A store where you planned on shopping might be closed for lunch.  These are just three examples from a wide pool of unplanned wrenches that you might encounter.  The importing thing is how you react and adapt to these unforeseen situations.  In biology, adaptation is the number one survival skill among all organisms.  In your life, the ability to adapt quickly and efficiently can save you time, energy, and possibly your sanity.

4. Push Yourself To Your Limits
Since I started college, I've learned that the more energy you spend, the more energy you have.  You can deplete yourself every day and still be able to get up the next morning and do it again.  You have to keep pushing yourself to avoid complacency, and as a result, your energy levels will increase.  In fact, it's been proven that people who exercise vigorously have more energy to spend on other tasks because more oxygen gets to their brains.

5. Do What You Love
Think very carefully about the ways in which you spend your time.  Do you enjoy your job, or do you go to work every day dreading the 8 hour shift?  Life is too short to do things you cannot enjoy.  Be creative and find out ways to earn income while at the same time pursuing your passions.

6. Get Your Brain Into Action Mode
You cannot accomplish much if your mind is trapped in an approach that insists on laziness and passivity.  To sharpen your mind, do sudoku and crossword puzzles.  Get enough sleep and go to bed at a reasonable hour.  You cannot be productive if your body does not have enough rest.  Also, think about how limited your time is.  You only get about 70 good years to accomplish what you want.  It's a shame to think that so many days could have been spent more productively.  However, you can positively influence the ways in which you spend your time in the future.

7. Be Like Water
The great martial artist Bruce Lee once said, "Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water.  If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup.  You put water into a bottle, and it becomes the bottle.  You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot.  Now, water can flow or it can crash.  Be water, my friend."  The interesting thing about water is that it is infinitely flexible.  Water can split and go around things and then rejoin on the other side.  Water can erode even the hardest rocks by tapping away at them over time.  Analogously, you must be like water in your everyday life.  When you hit a speed bump at work or school, find ways to gently solve the problem by being flexible and formless.  

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