Minggu, 09 Januari 2011


Sitting in my room listening to some Shakira to calm my mind down.  I've been thinking alot tonight about the deaths and injuries in Arizona.  I'm very upset that Americans feel the need to resort to violence to solve their political beefs.  Evil is never justified to prove a political point.  I've never met Gabrielle Giffords nor had I heard of her before yesterday.  Now, her recovery is all I can think about.  As many of you, I am saddened over the deaths and injuries.

I'm interested to see how this story is going to spin in the mainstream media over the next few days.  I havn't had a chance to watch FOX News or any other major political news outlet, but I'm sure the event is already being blamed upon fringe groups.

I've been busy working on a few online, moneymaking projects.  First, I've been working hard on making income online through a few mechanisms.  Amazon.com, blogging, filling out online surveys, e-Juries, and free lance writing are the five main ideas I've come up with on my own.  Your suggestions are more than welcome.  It's strange not having any classes to occupy my mind.  I have all this free time to contemplate my own life and things I've seen and experienced.  I'm thinking of publishing a book soon, but it's a project still in the works.  I'll see how things pan out on that front.

Once classes get started up again, I should be pushed to my intellectual limits.  I'm taking 26 credit hours this semester, which, if completed successfully, will be the most I've ever tackled in a single semester.  People tell my I'm crazy and they are probably right.  I'd rather spend my time working and gaining knowledge than drinking, smoking, or messing around.  Sue me.

A few administrative notes on this blog.  First, I will be taking a different approach to this blog.  I think I want to post more frequently than I do on Facebook.  I plan on this blog being a free flow of thoughts rather than a collection of well polished essays.  It's less of a hassle to post random thoughts.



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