Sitting at public computer in Lawrence, Kansas. The last week has been a blur, but I am finally getting back into the swing of things. It shouldn't be long before I start posting more interesting things. The situation in Egypt right now is very troubling for the international community. Egyptians are calling for President Hosni Mubarak to leave his office. Unemployment is approaching 40%. Everyday people are protesting in the streets and clashing with police. There's even a curfew in place. American relief has been excellent during this whole debacle. Last time I checked, we are working to evacuate Egyptians from their downward spiraling country. There have been 163 reported deaths in the riots and countless injuries. One thing is for certain. Things are changing in the world. The next decade in international relations should be very interesting. Fortunately in America, we don't have the kind of revolutions and revolts that the rest of the world must cope with. For the most part, we live in a peaceful democracy where power is handed over without violence.
Over the weekend, I attended a Christian conference geared primarily towards steering men away from pornography. I'm not quite sure how I feel about the issue in general, but the conference went very well. Everyone there was friendly and cool to me. I definitely don't support the porn industry, but I think the prevention efforts can be a little overdone. Lifetime accountability partners and software programs that monitor every single webpage your child views seems to be a breach of privacy and personal freedom. Anyway, my job was to record the breakout talks, convert them to CDs, then sell them to the patrons of the conference. All in all, the company I work for moved 600 CDs, which is a significant accomplishment.
I keep hearing about a massive snow storm moving across the Kansas area. It's supposed to drop anywhere from 8-14 inches of snow. Right now, the grounds are slick. Students and professors are slipping and sliding all over the place. As long as no one gets hurt, it's actually comical. Colleges don't cancel school often, but I would welcome a snow day or two. I should probably get around do doing my logic homework just in case we have class tomorrow.
Thanks for reading this,
Senin, 31 Januari 2011
Minggu, 30 Januari 2011
Friendly Christians
Recently, I have come in contact with some very religious people through my involvement in KU Students for Life group as well as the Men of Valor conference. While reflecting upon these experiences, I decided it was appropriate to post a few thoughts. First, as the name implies, the Students for Life is a group that peacefully and respectfully promotes the pro-life message without the use of shocking or offensive imagery. We have some exciting events planned in the upcoming months, which I will write about soon. Secondly, Men of Valor is a one-day conference designed to equip men in college and older in the daily fight for sexual integrity, accountability, and purity.
After seeing the love and good intentions of people at both of these experiences, it’s easy to see how one can become disillusioned and even angry with the new atheist movement. Here’s a quote from Christopher Hitchens:
“Faith is the surrender of the mind; it’s the surrender of reason; it’s the surrender of the only thing that makes us different from mammals. It’s our need to believe, and to surrender our skepticism and our reason, our yearning to discard that and put all our trust or faith in someone or something, that is the sinister thing to me. Of all the supposed virtues, faith must be the most overrated.”
I can see how demeaning beliefs that people hold near and dear as “sinister”, “surrendering” and “overrated” can be hurtful and cutting. It’s important to distinguish between the two types of truth when we talk about faith. Most reasonable people will agree that the stories in Genesis did not literally happen. The majority of Christians do not accept the Bible as literal history. Here’s another quote from Richard Dawkins:
“Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence.”
The people I see in Students for Life and Men of Valor are not “copping-out”. They are compassionate, concerned individuals who have a sincere desire to make a positive change in the world. One speaker at Men of Valor has dedicated his life to stopping human trafficking at truck stops across the United States. He quotes Isaiah 5:8-30 as his primary motivation. He has observed injustice in the world, and he is doing everything within his power to stop said injustice. Is this faith-filled man “sinister”, “surrendering” or a “cop-out”. I hardly think so. About two weeks ago, around 6 people from Students for Life went to Washington D.C. to take part in the March for Life. Complacent people will tell you that nothing will ever be accomplished on the abortion issue. You will hear them say it is impossible to make progress because it is such a controversial and polarizing issue. While some of their concerns might be true, that is no excuse to give up on doing everything in your power to make a difference for what you believe is right. Are these students, all of whom are Catholic, guilty of “not wanting to know what is true.” as Friedrich Nietzsche once noted?
Life is hard enough without being criticized and belittled for the beliefs you hold. I wish I saw more love in the world. I wonder if there will ever be a day when humans are no longer violent, cruel, evil, or greedy. A world where nothing but pure goodness emanates from all human beings. We help each other out, make each other smile, and love one another with every fiber of our beings. Maybe I am just an idealistic romantic, but this is the world I one day want to reside in.
Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011
How To Cope With Anxiety- Part 3: Complications Caused By Anxiety
Last time, I wrote a rather technical note on the five most prevalent types of anxiety recognized in the psychological community. This time, I want to focus on the complication and barriers faced by people who have any form of anxiety. The truth of the matter is that when left untreated, anxiety disorders can ruin lives. Moreover, anxiety has ramifications that stretch far beyond the physical symptoms. Emotionally, it can make a person sad, weary, and nervous. Mentally, it can cause you to think in circles, worry excessively, and make you question your sanity and your abilities.
1. Loss of Control
Often times, a person with anxiety will feel an utter lack of control of their lives, becoming servant to their worries and fears. Furthermore, unwanted restlessness can be a direct result of anxiety.
2. Sleep deprivation
Because insomnia is a common symptom of anxiety, individuals suffering from anxiety will feel extremely tired, but be unable to actually fall asleep. Over Christmas break last year, I sat in bed until the wee hours of the morning, sometimes not falling asleep at all.
3. Difficulty Concentrating
The vast majority of jobs require attentiveness and ability to comprehend information. If you cannot do these two basic cognitive tasks, your career might be in jeopardy. The same applies to school. Anxiety has caused A students to struggle academically because they simply cannot concentrate on the material.
4. Loss of friends and social life
Because anxiety has the potential to be so debilitating, it can turn an individual into someone who is difficult to be around. For instance, when a person is suffering from anxiety, they are more likely to lose their cool and snap, which will in turn result in bad feelings and resentment.
5. General Functional Difficulties
Many people with anxiety are able to carry on their daily jobs and participate in social events, but when the anxiety becomes severe enough, it can interfere with basic tasks at home, work, or school. The constant worrying can have an effect on the normal thinking that an individual does. Brain fog can also be a side effect of anxiety. Brain fog can absolutely destroy a perfectly wonderful life, causing a horrible short term memory, disorientation, loss of mental acuity, and an inability to think clearly.
6. Gateway into more mental disorders
Severe anxiety can lead to or reinforce depression. The relationship between anxiety and depression can be a viscous cycle. The anxiety can create depression. The depression can create anxiety and so on and so forth.
7. Questioning Yourself and Your Abilities
When you are anxious, you might feel like you don't have any control over yourself or the world. Listening to that negative voice of self-judgement in your head can lead to low self-esteem and a feeling or worthlessness.
Jumat, 28 Januari 2011
How to Cope with Anxiety- Part 2: Types of Anxiety Disorders
Last time, I wrote about 10 of the most common symptoms that anxiety sufferers experience. Today, I will turn my attention to different types of anxiety disorders. According to the NIMH agency of the United States government, most people with one anxiety disorder also have another anxiety disorder and nearly three-quarters with an anxiety disorder will have their first episode by age 21. Moreover, statistics indicate that as many as 18 % of Americans suffer from one or more than one anxiety disorder.
1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is characterized by people going through through the day with worry and tension despite not having a rational reason for doing so. Primarily, a person is diagnosed with GAD when s/he worries excessively about a variety of every problems. They cannot seem to eradicate their worries even through they realize that their fears are irrational. They can't relax, startle easily, and have difficulty concentrating. Here's a quote from a GAD sufferer:
I always thought I was just a worrier. I’d feel keyed up and unable to relax. At times it would come and go, and at times it would be constant. It could go on for days. I’d worry about what I was going to fix for a dinner party, or what would be a great present for somebody. I just couldn’t let something go.”When my problems were at their worst, I’d miss work and feel just terrible about it. Then I worried that I’d lose my job. My life was miserable until I got treatment.I’d have terrible sleeping problems. There were times I’d wake up wired in the middle of the night. I had trouble concentrating, even reading the newspaper or a novel. Sometimes I’d feel a little lightheaded. My heart would race or pound. And that would make me worry more. I was always imagining things were worse than they really were. When I got a stomachache, I’d think it was an ulcer.
2. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
People with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have persistent, upsetting thoughts (obsessions) and use rituals (compulsions) to control the anxiety that these thoughts produce. A friend of mine who has OCD once told me that he literally thought in circles and he could not turn his brain off. Often times, if the person is obsessed with germs, they will develop a ritual of washing their hands over and over again. Performing the rituals is not pleasurable, but it does produce temporary relief from the anxiety created by obsessive thoughts. It is healthy to have rituals such as checking to see if you turned off your lights on your car several times, but the difference is that people with OCD perform their rituals to a point where doing so interferes with their daily life. OCD affects about 2.2 million American adults.
I couldn’t do anything without rituals. They invaded every aspect of my life. Counting really bogged me down. I would wash my hair three times as opposed to once because three was a good luck number and one wasn’t. It took me longer to read because I’d count the lines in a paragraph. When I set my alarm at night, I had to set it to a number that wouldn’t add up to a ’bad’ number.
3. Panic Disorder
Panic disorder is characterized by sudden attacks of terror, generally accompanied by a pounding heart, sweatiness, weakness, and dizziness. During these attacks, people with panic disorders may experience nausea, smothering sensations, chills, and numbing appendages. Furthermore, panic attacks produce a sense of unreality, fear of impending doom, and a fear of losing control. About 6 million American adults suffer from panic disorders and it is twice as common in women as men. Often times, the sufferer cannot predict when the next panic attack will strike.
For me, a panic attack is almost a violent experience. I feel disconnected from reality. I feel like I’m losing control in a very extreme way. My heart pounds really hard, I feel like I can’t get my breath, and there’s an overwhelming feeling that things are crashing in on me.
4. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a severe anxiety disorder than might develop after an event that results in psychological trauma. Patients with PTSD will re-live the original trauma through flashbacks or nightmares. Rape is the most likely trigger of PTSD with 65% of men and 45.9% of women who are raped developing the disorder. Men and women who were abused sexually as children or spent time in battle on the front lines are more likely to developing PTSD. It affects hundreds of thousands of people who have been exposed to rape, domestic violence, child abuse, war, accidents, and natural disasters.
5. Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety disorder is characterized by people becoming overwhelmingly anxious or self-conscious in everyday social situations. These people have an irrational, intense fear of being watched and judged by others or doing things that will embarrass them. Although many people with social anxiety disorder know that their fears are excessive and unreasonable, they are unable to conquer them. Physical symptoms associated with social anxiety disorder are blushing, profuse sweating, trembling, nausea, and difficulty talking.
In any social situation, I felt fear. I would be anxious before I even left the house, and it would escalate as I got closer to a college class, a party, or whatever. I would feel sick in my stomach-it almost felt like I had the flu. My heart would pound, my palms would get sweaty, and I would get this feeling of being removed from myself and from everybody else.
Because I am not a licensed medial doctor, the research required for this note was extensive. However, I think it's good to gain an understanding of the different manifestations of anxiety before moving on to treatments because each form of anxiety can be treated differently. In my note, I will be focusing primarily on treatments for generalized anxiety disorder because it's the disorder I have the most experience with, but there is some overlap with regard to which type of anxiety a given treatment cures.
Kamis, 27 Januari 2011
How to Cope with Anxiety- Part 1: Overview and 10 Common Symptoms
For my next note series, I will be writing about a topic that is quite ubiquitous in our fast-paced American society. Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental malady in the U.S. You might be shocked to learn that 19.1 million adult Americans (ages 18-54) after affected with a form of anxiety disorder. With millions of people suffering, the pharmaceutical industry has turned huge profits selling medications that temporarily solve the problem. Xanax, Adavan, and Paxil are three anti-anxiety drugs that are a quick fix to a problem that needs real attention. Today's note will identify and explain a few of the most common symptoms of anxiety disorders.
It's normal to experience anxiety in some situations- before you speak publicly for example- but people who suffer from anxiety disorders go through daily symptoms that can be debilitating and interfere with every day life. Although the list of symptoms associated with anxiety is quite long, the sufferers often are uneasy, apprehensive, and on-edge. The clearest manifestation of anxiety symptoms are panic attacks. A panic attack is a sudden onset of intense anxiety for no apparent reasons and it might include a feeling of being smothered, shortness of breath, trembling, hot flashes or chills, chest pain, fear of dying, nausea, and sweating.
1. Smothering sensations and shortness of breath
The shortness of breath is one of the most distressing anxiety symptoms. Anxiety sufferers feel as if their chest is not expanding enough to get the air your body needs. I've heard the smothering sensation compared to the feeling of someone pushing a pillow into your face. The important thing to remember is that these sensations are caused by exaggerated nerve impulses which means you are not at risk of suffocating or passing out.
2. Racing heart and palpitations
Anxiety releases adrenaline into the blood stream and we all know that adrenaline makes your heart race rapidly. Sometimes, you might feel as if your heart is missing beats which are referred to as palpitations. Although this can be disconcerting and uncomfortable, an increased heart rate will not in itself harm you.
3. Chest Pain
Chest pains can cause you to feel extremely scared and they are caused by muscle tension. If you do indeed have anxiety and you experience chest pains, chances are you are NOT dying of a heart attack. Heart pain is very different and rarely starts in the chest. I've found that deep breathing, meditation, and relaxation are three effective methods against these unwanted, unpleasant chest pains.
4. Lump in throat and difficulty swallowing
The lump in the throat can be explained by muscles in the throat contracting due to stress or anxiety. The difficulty swallowing is another harmless symptom, but it is very unpleasant.
5. Sweating
Sweating is normal reaction and is designed to reduce body temperature. As the body heats up, water is released through sweat glands. During an anxiety attack or a period of anxiety, the body is preparing itself for a fight or a flight. People suffering from anxiety sweat profusely until the anxiety subsides, then sweat levels return to normal.
6. Shaking or shivering
We all shake or shiver when we are nervous or cold. Shaking is a normal reaction to fear or a drop body temperature. During anxiety, shaking and shivering uncontrollably is normal and with proper treatment, it will pass.
7. Dry Mouth
As bodily fluids are diverted for use in other parts of the body during anxiety, the mount becomes dry. Water is the most universal cure for a dry mouth and the dry mouth cannot harm you.
8. Insomnia
Not being able to sleep is one of the most common symptoms of anxiety. Insomnia can be the most discomforting of all the symptoms because a lack of sleep affects brain functioning.
9. Derealization and depersonalization
These are both symptoms which affect the way you experience yourself. Derealization is the sensation the you and everything around you are not real or dreamy. It might seems that you are seeing everything through a filter.
10. Brain Fog
Cognitive dysfunction (or brain fog) is defined as usually poor mental function associated with confusion, forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating. It can be an overall lack of mental clarity. Brain fog can cause an individual to be detached, forgetful and it can lead to discouragement and depression.
Rabu, 26 Januari 2011
A Beginner's Guide to Straight Edge
I've written about straight edge before and I myself adhere to the straight edge principles. The straight edge movement is an offshoot of the hardcore punk scene in the 1980s and it was a direct revolution against the sexual revolution, hedonism, and excess. The idea behind it is to adopt a lifestyle that emphasizes self-control at all times. Today, the meaning of straight edge is still debated, but it is agreed upon that edgers do not consume alcohol, refrain from using drugs, and abstain from promiscuity. Specifically, the purpose of making the choice to be straightedge revolves around the desire to have as much personal control over your life as possible. As you might know, drugs and alcohol prevent people from living well and doing things that are good for them. Although not directly associated with the ancient philosophers, there is a connection between straight edge and Socrates' conception of living well, clarifying our ideals, and living an examined life. The straight edge lifestyle wishes to repel people from unhealthy lives filled with alcohol, drugs, promiscuous sex, and gluttony. There is no central doctrine, just a few guiding principles because straight edge folks believe that you should not be suppressed by dogma.
Although straight edge has evolved into a movement, it's important to keep in mind the original meaning of the term. Straight edge is a declaration for the right to live your life the way you want to. It is NOT about telling people how to live their lives despite what you might hear. I am not straight edge because I think there is something inherently evil in alcohol, drugs, or sex. I am against these things because they lead to a life of dependence and obsession. If you commit all your time to one thing that is damaging, then it is clearly a poor idea.
It's important to note that Ian MacKaye, who is often credited as being the creator of the movement, does not see straight edge as a movement or even a lifestyle. Here's a quote from him:
When I wrote the song "Straight Edge", I wasn't writing about something new. I wasn't saying, "Hey, here is a new way to live!" I was talking about the way that people live to begin's no lifestyle! A lifestyle is something that once chooses...being straight is the base, that's what underneath all of this! We're born that way!...Another problem I see associated with the "straight edge lifestyle" is that it becomes a framework for merchandise...People look for things to signify their lifestyle choices. I cannot believe it when I see straight edge merchandise! It's just mind-boggling.
1. Don't Drink Alcohol
Alcohol is discouraged because it has the potential to make an individual lose control over her mind and actions. Alcohol is also to be avoided because it works against self-awareness and discipline. Your mind is your greatest gift, so why would you want to desecrate that gift by inputting alcohol in your body? Why would you let your mind waste away when there is a world to conquer out there? In the straight edge, you don't need alcohol to have a good time.
2. Don't Smoke
In order to maximize your potential as a human being, you must be in peak physical condition. So many people turn to drugs to get away from their problems instead of confronting them head-on. Life can be cold and difficult, and if you can overcome heartache and pain without the assistance of cigarettes and drugs, you are better person for it. It's gotten to the point in our society where smokers cannot go more than an hour without lighting up when things get rough. Why go through life that way? I don't need it.
3. Don't do Illegal or Mind-Altering Drugs
Along the same lines as #2, there are people who need their "comfort drug" to make it through a tough week. Instead of facing the world with a singular determination, drug users stray away from their self-discipline and ruin their bodies in the process. In the long run, drugs hinder your life experience. I've been encouraged to try marijuana with the tagline, "Life is short. You need to try everything at least once." A clear mind that appreciates every little detail and pushes itself to its absolute limits is far more gratifying to me than a mind-altering joint. No thanks.
4. Abstain from Promiscuity and Harmful Sex
Once again, unrestrained sex is a form of slavery that is a hindrance to the goal of absolute self control. Sleeping around restricts an individual from truly living well. Although straight edge does not prohibit sex outright, it does take a stand against promiscuous and anonymous sex. Furthermore, straight edge takes a stance against manipulative, abusive, and quest-oriented sex. As a teenager, I heard stories about guys abusing girls, neglecting girl's feelings and only being concerned with their own personal pleasure. I knew girls who were traumatized and hurt by guys who only wanted sexual satisfaction. Henry David Thoreau says it much more eloquently than myself:
I went into the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
A lot of people misinterpret the stance against harmful sex as an assertion against all sex. That is a grossly misguided sentiment. Many religions are bent on preventing people from having sex until marriage, but straight edge takes no position on premarital sex. It does take a stance against sex that is harmful, selfish, and manipulative.
5. Listen to Straight Edge Bands (optional)
In addition to rejecting alcohol, drugs, and harmful sex, there are many straight edge bands because after all, straight edge emerged out of the hardcore punk rock scene.
Here's the lyrics to a great song called Armed With A Mind by Have Heart
Caked up and faked up,
She's obsessed with the outside.
Nothing earned, too afraid to fail.
So she led a hollow life void of insight
Loving what you see, but you fear what you think
Because of your mind and your body
There's a missing link
That leaves you vulnerable, susceptible to pain
You're a garden of potential submerged in the rain
True beauty, cant be seen, with the eyes
ARMED, armed with a mind
I’m gonna strengthen my action with thought
Make use of the gift that I got
And walk fearless because I’m armed-with-a-mind
A weak offense when you step to this
Mind over matter is power over fists
I walk fearless because I’m armed with-a-mind
I walk fearless with a mind far greater than just a fist.
Spineless and mindless.
You flex your muscles and not you’re head
A deep man with a strong point made without one thoughtful word said?
"Huff and puff", the fierce fists will do the talking
Can’t speak for yourself so your crew’s with you walking
Tell me what’s worth fighting for...
And it better be something greater than an evening of the score
Boy, your true strength sleeps behind your eyes!
It’s the absent minded fool, who's afraid to think,
To extend an open hand,
To dare to earn a thing.
It’s the gift inside your head not to take for granted..
Because an unexamined life is a seed unplanted.
As the animals, they can’t reason
But as humans we can.
So are you just a wild animal or a rational man?
Our bodies bring us nowhere, might does NOT make right.
There’s a gift inside your head
Many people scoff at and ridicule the straight edge way of living, but it's the hardest, most disciplined thing I've ever encountered. It is a lifetime commitment. Here's another song by another straight edge band called Champion in the song "Different Directions"
Let's keep it clear what I need from you is just a little space
Don't understand the goals I've set
Or the choices that I've made
Days fly by in the blink of an eye
And I find that years have past
Can't spend my life chasing expectations you've set
Let's keep it clear what I need from you is just a little space
Don't understand the goals I've set
Or the choices that I've made
Years fly by in the blink of an eye
And I'll find that I've grown old
So much to do and so little time
And I can't live these days for you
That's not the way I want to live
So I'm always going to push it away
You need to give me room to breathe
I want to live, live the life that I know is right for me
I want to live, and I know my mistakes
Are just lessons learned
I want to live, live the life that I know is right for me, drug free
I want to live, can't you see what's right?
If it's not my choice then it's not my life
And I want to live, live my own life
Selasa, 25 Januari 2011
Poetry Tuesday
In the past, Poetry Tuesday has been a weekly installment that features either a song or a poem. This week, I want to mix things up a bit. Instead of lyrics, I am going to publish a few pictures now that Winter is upon us. Enjoy!
Senin, 24 Januari 2011
Sitting on the fifth floor of the Watson library all alone. I just had my first class this semester, and it definitely got me thinking. The class is called "Introduction to Leadership", and my first impressions aren't too good. You always feel like there's an insurmountable hill ahead of you on syllabus day. The instructor tries to make a strong first impression, and the result generally makes you feel intimidated.
These last three days in Lawrence have been very odd. I have not communicated face-to-face with another human being outside of the occasional "Hello" or "What's good?" to friends I see on campus. This hasn't really been by design or a choice, but it's been beneficial as I prepare my mind for this semester. I've had a chance to ready myself for the 16-week storm. Right now, as I sit here, I am exiting the calm of this storm. One of the few ways you can successfully weather the storm is through inner peace, endless concentration, and a keen sense of awareness.
The transition back to Lawrence has been interesting to say the least. Everywhere I go, I hear girls who pepper their sentences with "like" and"I feel like". I'm not judging the way they speak, but it's certainly a shock to come here after I've spent the last month in the company of well-spoken parents who choose their language carefully and thoughtfully.
I saw in the Wall Street Journal that a suicide attacker detonated a bomb in Russia's busiest airport and killed 31 people including himself. It's yet another instance of individuals using violence instead of words to make their point. It seems that for every step forward that we make as a society towards pacifism and peace, there is one step backwards that obstructs our progress. With current events in mind, I am looking forward to the State of the Union Address on Tuesday. The pundits should be in full stride afterwords, especially on FOX News. It's always interesting to flip back and forth between FOX and the liberal mainstream media after a huge event. The perspectives differ so much that you'd think there had been two State of the Union Addresses for instance.
You see a lot of know-it-alls on a college campus. Knowledge is a good thing, but it's important to know when to effectively use it. Putting on a display of knowledge for the sake of showing off doesn't impress me much. If you've got a PhD, don't think you knock everyone's socks off by reeling off a lecture that contains a couple hundred ten-dollar words. What's far more impressive is being humble about your accolades and accomplishments as well as being able to explain things clearly and succinctly.
Sitting on the fifth floor of the Watson library all alone. I just had my first class this semester, and it definitely got me thinking. The class is called "Introduction to Leadership", and my first impressions aren't too good. You always feel like there's an insurmountable hill ahead of you on syllabus day. The instructor tries to make a strong first impression, and the result generally makes you feel intimidated.
These last three days in Lawrence have been very odd. I have not communicated face-to-face with another human being outside of the occasional "Hello" or "What's good?" to friends I see on campus. This hasn't really been by design or a choice, but it's been beneficial as I prepare my mind for this semester. I've had a chance to ready myself for the 16-week storm. Right now, as I sit here, I am exiting the calm of this storm. One of the few ways you can successfully weather the storm is through inner peace, endless concentration, and a keen sense of awareness.
The transition back to Lawrence has been interesting to say the least. Everywhere I go, I hear girls who pepper their sentences with "like" and"I feel like". I'm not judging the way they speak, but it's certainly a shock to come here after I've spent the last month in the company of well-spoken parents who choose their language carefully and thoughtfully.
I saw in the Wall Street Journal that a suicide attacker detonated a bomb in Russia's busiest airport and killed 31 people including himself. It's yet another instance of individuals using violence instead of words to make their point. It seems that for every step forward that we make as a society towards pacifism and peace, there is one step backwards that obstructs our progress. With current events in mind, I am looking forward to the State of the Union Address on Tuesday. The pundits should be in full stride afterwords, especially on FOX News. It's always interesting to flip back and forth between FOX and the liberal mainstream media after a huge event. The perspectives differ so much that you'd think there had been two State of the Union Addresses for instance.
You see a lot of know-it-alls on a college campus. Knowledge is a good thing, but it's important to know when to effectively use it. Putting on a display of knowledge for the sake of showing off doesn't impress me much. If you've got a PhD, don't think you knock everyone's socks off by reeling off a lecture that contains a couple hundred ten-dollar words. What's far more impressive is being humble about your accolades and accomplishments as well as being able to explain things clearly and succinctly.
Minggu, 23 Januari 2011
7 Ways To Increase Your Productivity
We all are guilty of wasting time through one means or another. For many people, Facebook, internet surfing, and mindless television shows steal our precious time. Here's a list of ways to be more productive without sacrificing your free time.
1. Minimize The Time You Spend On The Internet
For all of us, the internet is a wonderful tool. Essentially, we have an entire library at our fingertips. You can run a quick Google search to find out an answer to any question you might have. However, being on the internet too much can take a serious hit on your productivity. Constantly checking e-mails, Facebook, weather, and software updates can take your attention away from things that are actually important. Make a promise to yourself to only check all of these things twice a day- once in the morning and once in the evening.
2. Cultivate A Positive Mental Attitude
Most managers will tell you that attitude is everything and for the most part, they are correct. So put a smile on your face and treat everyone with the utmost respect. Being positive does not mean that you cannot be productive. Being enthusiastic and friendly can actually boost how much you are able to accomplish in a day. In your life, you will run across people who view the glass as half empty. How you react to these people is crucial. You can either be influenced by their negativity or you can use positive energy to redirect their negative thoughts.
3. Learn How To Adapt
Life will throw you unexpected curveballs every single day. Kids will get in trouble at school. Your parents will ask you to do a chore around the house that takes more time than you expected. A store where you planned on shopping might be closed for lunch. These are just three examples from a wide pool of unplanned wrenches that you might encounter. The importing thing is how you react and adapt to these unforeseen situations. In biology, adaptation is the number one survival skill among all organisms. In your life, the ability to adapt quickly and efficiently can save you time, energy, and possibly your sanity.
4. Push Yourself To Your Limits
Since I started college, I've learned that the more energy you spend, the more energy you have. You can deplete yourself every day and still be able to get up the next morning and do it again. You have to keep pushing yourself to avoid complacency, and as a result, your energy levels will increase. In fact, it's been proven that people who exercise vigorously have more energy to spend on other tasks because more oxygen gets to their brains.
5. Do What You Love
Think very carefully about the ways in which you spend your time. Do you enjoy your job, or do you go to work every day dreading the 8 hour shift? Life is too short to do things you cannot enjoy. Be creative and find out ways to earn income while at the same time pursuing your passions.
6. Get Your Brain Into Action Mode
You cannot accomplish much if your mind is trapped in an approach that insists on laziness and passivity. To sharpen your mind, do sudoku and crossword puzzles. Get enough sleep and go to bed at a reasonable hour. You cannot be productive if your body does not have enough rest. Also, think about how limited your time is. You only get about 70 good years to accomplish what you want. It's a shame to think that so many days could have been spent more productively. However, you can positively influence the ways in which you spend your time in the future.
7. Be Like Water
The great martial artist Bruce Lee once said, "Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend." The interesting thing about water is that it is infinitely flexible. Water can split and go around things and then rejoin on the other side. Water can erode even the hardest rocks by tapping away at them over time. Analogously, you must be like water in your everyday life. When you hit a speed bump at work or school, find ways to gently solve the problem by being flexible and formless.
1. Minimize The Time You Spend On The Internet
For all of us, the internet is a wonderful tool. Essentially, we have an entire library at our fingertips. You can run a quick Google search to find out an answer to any question you might have. However, being on the internet too much can take a serious hit on your productivity. Constantly checking e-mails, Facebook, weather, and software updates can take your attention away from things that are actually important. Make a promise to yourself to only check all of these things twice a day- once in the morning and once in the evening.
2. Cultivate A Positive Mental Attitude
Most managers will tell you that attitude is everything and for the most part, they are correct. So put a smile on your face and treat everyone with the utmost respect. Being positive does not mean that you cannot be productive. Being enthusiastic and friendly can actually boost how much you are able to accomplish in a day. In your life, you will run across people who view the glass as half empty. How you react to these people is crucial. You can either be influenced by their negativity or you can use positive energy to redirect their negative thoughts.
3. Learn How To Adapt
Life will throw you unexpected curveballs every single day. Kids will get in trouble at school. Your parents will ask you to do a chore around the house that takes more time than you expected. A store where you planned on shopping might be closed for lunch. These are just three examples from a wide pool of unplanned wrenches that you might encounter. The importing thing is how you react and adapt to these unforeseen situations. In biology, adaptation is the number one survival skill among all organisms. In your life, the ability to adapt quickly and efficiently can save you time, energy, and possibly your sanity.
4. Push Yourself To Your Limits
Since I started college, I've learned that the more energy you spend, the more energy you have. You can deplete yourself every day and still be able to get up the next morning and do it again. You have to keep pushing yourself to avoid complacency, and as a result, your energy levels will increase. In fact, it's been proven that people who exercise vigorously have more energy to spend on other tasks because more oxygen gets to their brains.
5. Do What You Love
Think very carefully about the ways in which you spend your time. Do you enjoy your job, or do you go to work every day dreading the 8 hour shift? Life is too short to do things you cannot enjoy. Be creative and find out ways to earn income while at the same time pursuing your passions.
6. Get Your Brain Into Action Mode
You cannot accomplish much if your mind is trapped in an approach that insists on laziness and passivity. To sharpen your mind, do sudoku and crossword puzzles. Get enough sleep and go to bed at a reasonable hour. You cannot be productive if your body does not have enough rest. Also, think about how limited your time is. You only get about 70 good years to accomplish what you want. It's a shame to think that so many days could have been spent more productively. However, you can positively influence the ways in which you spend your time in the future.
7. Be Like Water
The great martial artist Bruce Lee once said, "Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend." The interesting thing about water is that it is infinitely flexible. Water can split and go around things and then rejoin on the other side. Water can erode even the hardest rocks by tapping away at them over time. Analogously, you must be like water in your everyday life. When you hit a speed bump at work or school, find ways to gently solve the problem by being flexible and formless.
Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011
The Catholic Church's Call for Seminarians
As you might know, the number of young men going into the seminary has steadily increased over the years. According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, there are 5,131 seminarians enrolled in America. The latest Vatican statistics show a slight, but steady rise in the number of priest and seminarians worldwide. Much of this can be attributed to the rising population as a whole. In other words, if the world population increases, then the number of Catholics will increase. If the number of Catholics increase, then the number of seminarians will in all likelihood grow as well.
To put this into perspective, the number of seminarians around the world rose from 115,919 at the end of 2007 to 117,024 at the end of 2009, an increase of more than 1 percent. After attending a Sunday mass recently, I can understand how the recruitment efforts of the Catholic Church play a role in the slight, but steady increase of young men entering the seminary. About two weeks ago at mass, the congregation participated in a "Called by Name", which is a program to identify and seek out young men who might be a good fit for the priesthood. At the end of mass, parishioners filled out cards with the name and contact information of young men who they thought had the qualities of a priest. I'm happy to announce that my name was submitted, and I received a letter from our pastor with this message:
Dear Joseph,
Praised be Jesus Christ.
As you may know, last weekend, our parish conducted the Called by Name program at all our Sunday masses. We asked our parishioners to identify young men whom they believe might have the qualities, gifts, and talents needed to serve the Church as a future priest.
Joseph, you may be interested to know that someone in the parish saw those qualities in you. Your commitment to God and the Church, concern for others, and desire to serve were recognized. I encourage you to consider taking the time to examine carefully what the Lord might be saying to you.
Holy Cross will be holding a vocation event in the next couple of months, and you will receive an invitation to attend. Please pray over this intention and ask the Lord to direct you.
Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.Through my past writings, I have learned it's a good idea to steer clear of writing about my own religious views. To be selected as a potential candidate for the priesthood is an honor, but it's important to keep in mind that one must receive a direct calling from God to pursue the priesthood. Thus far, I have not received that direct calling, but I will take it as a compliment that someone in the parish sees the qualities of a priest in me.
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