Jumat, 30 September 2011

Buffalo Springfield

Every once in a while, a song you first listened to years ago will resurface in your mind, and "For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield is one such example.  Written by Stephen Stills, the song tells the story about how the police department arrived as city officials became paranoid about a peaceful, anti-loitering gathering outside a bar in LA called Pandora's Box.  For what it's worth, this Buffalo Springfield hit is not an anti-Vietnam war protest song.

For What It's Worth
By Buffalo Springfield

There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware
I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind
I think it's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
What a field-day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly say, hooray for our side
It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away
We better stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, now, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down

Kamis, 29 September 2011

How To Turn Your Weaknesses Into Strengths

We all have shortcomings, flaws, and weaknesses--to deny this accepted truth is an exercise in arrogance.  Fortunately, with the sincere desire to become better and the proper mindset, everyone can learn how to transform those limitations into strengths. 

For example, when I started blogging a year ago,  I had no idea where to start.  My learning curve was steep at first, but now, I’m just getting the hang of everyday blogging, and the importance of promoting yourself.  I still have many weaknesses that I need to improve, but I’ve come a long ways from the first time I sat down to write a blog post. 

If you want to turn your weaknesses into strengths, a positive mental attitude is important.  You are your own worst critic-- it’s very easy to throw in the towel after telling yourself, “I can never achieve that.”  Here’s a short story to demonstrate how having the proper mindset can turn a weakness into a strength.

There was once a 10 year old boy who decided to learn judo.  Despite only having only his right arm, he worked hard to perfect one move, while becoming acquainted, but not skilled in other basic throws and techniques.  When the boy entered his first tournament, he was nervous at only being able to confidently use one throw.  To his surprise, he won every match with his one move, and won the tournament.  On the way home, the boy summoned the courage to ask his master, “How did I win the tournament with only one move?”  The master responded, “You won for two reasons. First, you’ve mastered one of the most difficult throws in all of judo.  Second, the only known defense for that movie is for your opponent to grab your left arm.   

So as you can see, it’s not necessary to go read thousands of self-help books or pay exorbitant fees to speak with a psychologist about your shortcomings.  Sometimes, all it takes it reformulating a situation so that something that would normally hold you back becomes an aid to your success.  There are probably exceptions, but not many.  Even if there are, it is beneficial to examine your weaknesses and see how you can use them to your advantage.     

Here are just a few examples.
Not a good writer.
Find different ways to express your ideas.  If you struggle with writing, become excellent at conversations.  Make videos and podcasts instead of written materials.
Not naturally smart in school.
Work your tail off instead.  While there is a correlation between giftedness and success, being smart by no means guarantees happiness.  More often than not, it’s the hardest working who succeed in this world. 
Not a fast worker.
Join the club.  I’m a slower writer than most, but I produce more high-quality content than most blogs out there.  One beautiful thing about blogging is that being thorough, deliberate, and methodical will attract a larger audience than if you just pump out poorly written posts with great frequency.

Now, viewing your weaknesses as strengths should not be seen as a substitute for working hard to better yourself.  The two should work in tandem to help you eliminate faults as well as build up your strengths. 

Rabu, 28 September 2011

Natural Ways To Boost Your Energy

You see coffee everywhere--on college campuses, in the workplace, at homes.  While caffeinated drinks are a quick and prevalent way to wake up, there are many organic ways to kickstart your morning and remain alert throughout the day.  When you come to rely on caffeine in the morning, and you don’t get your daily fix, symptoms include headaches, irritability, and even an upset stomach.  The good news is that there are plenty of ways to boost your energy without the use of caffeine.

Get more sleep at night
7-8 hours of sleep per night is essential for adults.  Without consistent sleep, the mind loses focus.  Studies from the Harvard Medical School have found that people who get the appropriate amount of sleep regularly tend to live longer, healthier lives.  Sleep helps repair your body by producing extra protein molecules that strengthen your ability to fight infection.  Moreover, sleep plays a critical role in metabolism, memory, and learning.  A good night’s sleep can’t be beat.

Go Outdoors
Getting some fresh air, especially in temperate climates, is a perfect way to stimulate your senses.  Exposure to the sun gives us Vitamin D, but too much sun exposure causes skin cancer.  Being outside also is a natural way to cure hyperactivity, which, in the long-run boosts natural energy. 

Eat Fruits and Vegetables
Healthy food can boost your alertness.  Stay away from high-carb foods.

Something as simple as jumping jacks or yoga can work wonders on your energy levels.  Even the slightest bit of exercise can be a healthy way to energize your mind and body because it improves blood flow to the brain.

In our constantly busy world, a short nap is viewed as a loss of time.  However, a short nap can provide the energy you need to work smarter and faster.  Recognize that napping does not make you lazy.  On the contrary, napping will make you more productive and alert after you wake up.

Drink Water
Avoid caffeine and drink water.  Because your body is composed mostly of water, it makes sense that you need to get enough to function at your peak.  Take a healthy drink each time you pass the water fountain.

Stay On The Positive Side
Most importantly, positivity in your life can spur your energy levels tremendously.  Show gratitude to others and be thankful.  Laugh often.  Distance yourself from energy vampires and associate yourself with light-hearted individuals. 

Selasa, 27 September 2011

Russian Politics: Putin and Medvedev Look To Swap Jobs

Here’s the latest part of Vladimir Putin’s resume:
-Prime Minister 1999-2000
-President 2000-2008
-Prime Minister 2008-Present
-President ???

The embattled Putin will run for president next year, having already earned the endorsement of current president Dmitry Medvedev.  The Constitution has been changed to allow anyone to serve two consecutive six-year terms even if that individual has previously served as president.  The election will be held in March, and many people expect Putin to return to the Kremlin with ease. 

As for Mr. Medvedev?  He will likely take over Mr. Putin’s position as prime minister.  This merry go round can be viewed in two ways.  First, the whole thing looks like a joke.  Despite holding the junior title of prime minister, Mr. Putin still pulls the strings in Russian politics.  The issue is not whether he will stay in power, but how will do it.  Second, the probable job swap will likely be viewed by Russians as a victory for Russian democracy.  The letter of the constitution is being obeyed, and the two most popular politicians can remain in positions of power.  Mr. Medvedev can continue to liberate Russia from bureaucracy and corruption and promote a high-tech answer to Silicon Valley, to be built at Skolkovo outside Moscow.  Mr. Putin can reclaim the presidency which signals stability and steadiness. 

Vladimir Putin has harassed and jailed opponents and confiscated their energy and media assets since coming to power.  Under his direction, elections always seem to favor those in power.  I predict the upcoming ones will be no different. 

Indeed, Russia faces many challenges in the upcoming years.  A stagnant economy, pervasive corruption, and a war in the north Caucasus highlight the struggles facing Russia.  The country’s economy is currently dependent upon natural resource extraction.

Senin, 26 September 2011

I-Phone Sales Robust Ahead of I-Phone 5 Release

As you probably know, Apple will release the iPhone 5 sometime soon, although many analysts expected the debut to come before the 10th of September.  However, the iPhone 4 is still the top-selling smartphone in the US, despite its age. 
According to analyst Shaw Wu, Apple will sell 18.5 million iPhones in the third quarter, which concludes in about three weeks.  Although this number is less than the record 20.34 million iPhones sold last quarter, a more steep drop was expected. 
One of the reason for increased sales is the large number of companies outfitting their employees with iPhones.  For instance, home-improvement retailer Lowe’s plans to provide employees with 42,000 iPhone 4s next month, with custom apps that will be a part of a technology overhaul.  Lowe’s hopes to release a new MyLowes online tool and implement the iPhones in an effort to catch rival Home Depot, which invested more than $60 million on handheld Motorola POS systems last year. 
Service providers are approaching the fifth generation of the iPhone in different ways.  Sprint has agreed to retain its unlimited data plans while Verizon and AT&T will only offer customers tiered, capped data plans.  If this rumor is true, Sprint would be the only operator in America to offer unlimited data for the iPhone in exchange for a flat fee.  Currently, Sprint’s unlimited voice and data plan is $99.99 per month, while AT&T offers 2 gigabytes of data for $25 per month.  The addition of Sprint to iPhone service providers is expected to add the sale of six million iPhones to Apple’s sales according to analyst Gene Munster of Piper Jaffray. 

Minggu, 25 September 2011

Interview: Jerry Viviano

In addition to being a loving father and husband, Jerry Viviano works at Sysco Foodservices, and has been a first-class salesman for 38 years.  A native of St. Louis, Missouri, Jerry attended Missouri University and graduated with a degree in marketing.  Besides providing his services to Kansas City businesses, Jerry is the founder and chairman of the Viviano Variety Show, an annual benefit show that has raised over $1 million for charities and schools.  Recently, Jerry answered some questions for Joe’s Musings.    

A significant number of our readers are college students.  What made you decide to major in marketing?  At what point did you know you wanted to pursue a career as a salesman?
I have always been fascinated by the way products are invented, grown, manufactured, and promoted.  Born and raised in a family of fresh produce entrepreneurs, I saw first hand how salesmanship is a key component in marketing goods and services.  Long before college, I felt selling would be my profession.

Along those lines, how does a person prepare for a career in sales? How important is landing an internship while in college?
In today’s business environment, a selling career mandates computer and technical skills.  Product and business knowledge is readily available via many sources.  A well-rounded college business education provides the finesse needed to communicate in a selling world.  Getting involved in a business fraternity, going to seminars and spending time with businesses that visit college campuses are extremely important.  Don’t ever underestimate the value of people skills.  Successful sales people always are genuinely interested in helping clients succeed.  A great resource is Dale Carnegie’s book How To Win Friends and Influence People.  The Carnegie sales and human development courses are also excellent.  Internships are wonderful.  If you do land one, ask to ride with the company’s most successful sales people.  You can learn a lot from them.

The US economy has struggled mightily in recent years.  What changes have you noticed in the buying patterns of customers?  How have you adapted your sales strategies in a weaker economy?
Customers are scrutinizing prices closer today than ever before.  Unfortunately, cheaper prices for cheaper products do not translate into a more successful business for the customer.  As an institutional food sales representative, my strategy has been “What can I do to bring more diners into this restaurant?”  What new and different ideas can attract new customers to this restaurant?”  This can be done without sacrificing quality in products.

What is the best part of your job?  The worst part?
The best part of my job is sitting face to face with men and women who are making purchasing decisions.  My job enables me to help the customer find ways to run the business more efficiently.  The worst part of this job is filling out reports.  Much of this is unnecessary.  I would rather spend time in front of the customer.

How would you describe the work/family/life balance?
I start each day with a quiet prayer.  Every gift that I have been blessed with is just that- a gift from God.  This is the focal point in my life.  If I have a relationship with an all loving and merciful God, the work/family/life automatically falls into balance.  Life is all about priorities.  Relatively speaking, we are only on this earth for a very brief time.  As a Christian, I believe our Lord has prepared a beautiful place for us for all of eternity- and that is a long, long time.  All of that is waiting for us.  So my balance in life starts, and end, with a relationship with God.

What advice would you give to young people looking to pursue a career in sales?
If there is any advice I would give to young people who are pursuing a professional career in sales, it would be “Get Out of Yourself”.  If all you are concerned about is how much money you are going to earn selling, then this profession isn’t for you.  If you focus on how successful you can make customers and others, then dollars will be flowing into your backyard.

Do you agree with the saying, “You don’t close a sale.  You open a relationship if you want to build a long-term, successful enterprise”?
I do agree with the saying, “You don’t close a sale.”  Saying that you close a sale sounds like you have won a victory over someone.  Yes, you open a relationship than build and nurture that relationship in a trustworthy fashion.

What’s a life lesson you learned the hard way?
A life lesson I learned the hard way is about my attitude on investing the moeny I have earned.  I made some good and bad investments.  But if I were to do it all over again, I would do my research, put my resources in a safe portfolio early in life, and not worry or fret about it.  I wasted too much time on this.  I could have spent that time with family, friends, or building God’s kingdom.

Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Football Week 4

High School 
Rockhurst 35 Columbia Rock Bridge 6
The Hawklets continued their dominance against an overmatched Rock Bridge team.  Dating back to the beginning of last season, the Hawklets have won 18 straight games.  Heading into week 6, Rockhurst holds the number one ranking in the state of Missouri according to MaxPreps, America’s source for high school sports. 
Blue Valley 24 Bishop Miege 21
The Blue Valley Tigers are one of the few high school teams to successfully adopt the spread offense.  The sideline looks like a sideshow as the three gold-fleeced assistant coaches signal the plays in to the quarterback.  This season, the Tigers’ spread offense has averaged 43 points a game.  However, Bishop Miege found a way to limit the productivity of the Tigers’ high-powered offense, but could not score enough points themselves.
Liberty 24 Lee’s Summit North 21
The Liberty team moved to 3-2 on the season, but not without controversy.  With 14.7 seconds left at Lee’s Summit North’s 29 yard line, Liberty quarterback Lucas Norton spiked the ball.  Because Nortan lined up a few yards behind center, the Lee’s Summit North sideline erupted, asking for an intentional grounding call.  Instead, the Bronco’s sideline was given an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty which moved to ball to the 16 and shortened Liberty kicker Tyler Pate’s game-winning field goal with 9.6 seconds left.
#7 Oklahoma State at #8 Texas A&M
This top-10 matchup is overshadowed by the threat of the Big 12’s existence as a conference.  Texas A&M has been offered an invitation to join the SEC in July, but that move is being blocked by the threat of litigation from Baylor.  Meanwhile, Oklahoma State could move to the Pac-12 along with Oklahoma, Texas, and Texas Tech.  Oklahoma and Texas have already gotten approval from their boards to leave, and the Big East is currently negotiating a possible merger with the remaining teams in the Big 12.
This matchup could feature the last conference champion in Big 12 history.  Oklahoma State’s offense is averaging an astonishing 52.3 points and 601 total yards per game.  Quarterback Brandon Weeden has thrown for more than 350 yards in three consecutive games.  The Cowboys hope to move to 4-0 for the third time in 4 years. 
Texas A&M has a powerful offense and stout defense as well.  Ryan Tennehill threw for more than 300 yards in last week’s 37-7 rout of Idaho.  Cyrus Gray rushed for two touchdowns and topped 100 yards for the ninth straight game.  The Aggies are seeking their third consecutive 3-0 start.
Missouri at #1 Oklahoma
In a highly anticipated grudge match, the Tigers travel down to Norman to battle the top-ranked Sooners.  Last October, Oklahoma held the #1 spot at the top of the BCS standings for one week before the Tigers rallied in the fourth quarter to beat the Sooners 36-27.  Last week, the Sooners further justified their #1 ranking by defeating a stout Florida State team 23-13 in a true road game. 
While Oklahoma played excellent defense, the Tigers whooped up on Western Illinois 69-0 and compiled 744 yards and 30 first downs in the process.

Jumat, 23 September 2011

Terms That Have Very Different Meanings In Philosophy and Non-Philosophy

Any field has its fair share of jargon, and philosophy is certainly no exception to the rule.  As an added bonus, some philosophical terms have entirely different meanings in our everyday world.  In its beginning stages, this post was supposed to be an earnest list of distinctions, but my effort was quickly demoted to a humorous, but somewhat serious conglomeration.

Personal Identity
Layman’s Definition- what you lose when you hit your head really hard or grow old
Philosopher’s Definition- the thing that makes me the same person I was yesterday

Layman’s Definition- Practice makes perfect, but no one is perfect, so why practice?
Philosopher’s Definition- a terribly complex system that uses upside As and reverse Es

Layman’s Definition- that section in the bookstore containing tomes about cults, the apocalypse, psychics, and Tarot cards
Philosopher Definition- What Does Metaphysics Mean?

Layman’s Definition- a mathematician
Philosopher’s Definition- a philosopher

Layman’s Definition- Some guy who wrote some books
Philosopher’s Definition- a dead modern philosopher who wrote about politics, language, and the mind

Layman’s Definition- the free breakfast you get at hotels that includes croissants, orange juice, and coffee
Philosopher’s Definition- a philosophical movement in the second half of the 20th Century that included German idealism, existentialism, phenomenology, critical theory, Marxism, and structuralism

Analytic Philosophy
Layman’s Definition- A redundancy if I’ve ever seen one.
Philosopher’s Definition- a generic term for a style of philosophy that emphasizes the use of scientific methods to develop and solve philosophical problems

Substance Abuse
Layman’s Definition- Overindulgence or dependency of alcohol or drugs
Philosophers Definition- Modern Philosophy

Layman’s Definition- what we hear with our ears
Philosopher’s Definition- what we call an argument that is valid and all of the premises are actually true

Kamis, 22 September 2011

Work/Life Balance

Once upon a time, there was a father who was a hardworking man.  He delivered bread as a living to support his wife and three children. He spent all his evenings after work attending classes, hoping to improve himself so that he could one day find a better paying job. Except for Sundays, Father hardly ate a meal together with his family. He worked and studied very hard because he wanted to provide his family with the best money could buy.

Whenever his family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. But he often yearned to spend more time with his family.

The day came when the examination results were announced. To his joy, Father passed, and with distinctions too! Soon after, he was offered a good job as a senior supervisor which paid handsomely.

Like a dream come true, the father could now afford to provide his family with life’s little luxuries like nice clothing, fine food and vacation abroad.
However, the family still did not get to see the father for most of the week. He continued to work very hard, hoping to be promoted to the position of manager. In fact, to make himself a worthily candidate for the promotion, he enrolled for another course in the open university.

Again, whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. But he often yearned to spend more time with his family.

The father’s hard work paid off and he was promoted. Jubilantly, he decided to hire a maid to relieve his wife from her domestic tasks. He also felt that their three-room flat was no longer big enough, it would be nice for his family to be ablt to enjoy the facilities and comfort of a condominium. Having experienced the rewards of his hard work many times before, the father resolved to further his studies and work at being promoted again. The family still did not get to see much of him. In fact, sometimes Father had to work on Sundays entertaining clients. Again, whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. But he often yearned to spend more time with his family.

As expected, the father’s hard work paid off again and he bought a beautiful condominium overlooking the coast of Singapore. On the first Sunday evening at their new home, the father declared to his family that he decided not to take anymore courses or pursue any more promotions. From then on he was going to devote more time to his family.

The father did not wake up the next day.

Rabu, 21 September 2011

Dispatch 9/21/11

9:42 A.M.  Sitting in a computer lab.  This week has been a whirlwind of activity especially in the Eurozone as the sovereign debt crisis worsens over there.  The U.S. stock markets performed well in the beginning stages of yesterday, but that rally quickly evaporated late in the trading session.  I'm amazed at how well Apple has performed--that company is a true titan.   

The front page of the Wall St. Journal today shows President Obama and other world leaders at a global corruption-fighting initiative.  No matter what you say or do, there will always be people that behave unethically and get away with it.  The best advice I can give is to listen to your conscience.  Take 15 minutes at the end of each day to review the decisions you made, and make your these decisions align with your own moral code.  Personal reflection is not a priority in the fast-paced, hectic society we live in, but it is a valuable way to collect your thoughts and attain inner peace.

I'm not impressed with many of the GOP candidates.  Ron Paul and Herman Cain are the only two of the bunch that have made a strong first impression on me.  Herman Cain has an excellent business resume--he returned the nearly bankrupt pizza chain Godfather's back to profitability. He served on the Board of Directors at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City was subsequently elected as the chairman.  Ron Paul understands that limited government is a good thing.  He understands economics and has stayed consistent.  Because he isn't willing to budge on his convictions, the mainstream media has marginalized him. 

Last night, I attended an informative session on how to use LinkedIn to enhance your professional career.  LinkedIn is mainly used for professional "networking".  You'll never hear me use the term "networking", large because I believe the term is far too informal and impersonal for the meaning business professionals wish to convey.  In American, we have the idea that business ought to be separated from personal lives.  However, in many parts of the world, business and personal elements are one in the same.  Networking has a connotation of building relationships with the motive of benefiting yourself.  True goodness lies in building relationships in which you give, understand, and demonstrate compassion and kindness. 

Thanks for reading this.


Selasa, 20 September 2011

Speaker Review: Tony Batman

As a part of my Accounting 303 class one year ago, I was privileged enough to listen to a reputable professional in the field of accounting.  Two weeks ago, I returned to hear Tony's annual talk to the Accounting 303 students again.  Stephen "Tony" Batman is a visionary entrepreneur whose accomplishments have vastly impacted the accounting and financial services professions.  He was voted one of the most influential accountants in America by Accounting Today magazine for 13 straight years, and he is a frequent speaker on financial services topics and a leader in wealth management.

Tony is chairman, CEO, and co-founder of 1st Global, a financial services firm that offers business development advice to leading tax, accounting, and law firms.  In addition to being a Certified Public Accountant, Tony is a Charted Financial Analyst, and a Certified Financial Planner.  Because Tony is a graduate of the University of Kansas, he serves on the board of advisors to the School of Business and also gives talks to students on occasion.

I was first impressed with Tony when he walked around the auditorium, shaking hands and asking each student who had arrived early questions about themselves and their major.  One year ago, he asked me where my home was and what my major is.  When I told him I was majoring in accounting, he said I had made a wise choice.

He started off his presentation with an inspiring statement, "I am the person I am today because of three things: the books I have read, the places I went, and the people I met."  He went on to say he is an average guy with insatiable curiosities.  He then established rapport with the crowd by saying that when he was in college, he was overwhelmed by "choice anxiety", or being unable to choose a major.  He was caught in what he dubbed "the opportunity wedge".

At this point, I was expecting him to ramble on about his accolades and achievements.  I was proved wrong when he said that all of us seek three things in life: happiness, significance, and lives of meaning.  Needless to say, this statement captured my interest.  

Although Tony had some excellent insights to share, I was disappointed and confused by a few of his statements.  First, he claimed adrenaline is the cement of memory.  Does this mean the more ramped up we are, the more we will remember?  It is difficult to retain much information when overcome with anxiety or excitement.  Second, he claimed to be a strong supporter of Ayn Rand, the Russian-American novelist and dubious philosopher. Ayn Rand's philosophy is not philosophy, but pseudo-philosophy.  In her writing, Rand ignores the basic tenets of logic and ethical reasoning by claiming that unfettered capitalism is the only moral social system.  Third, he asserted that by listening to him, we could internalize his own experiences and make them our own.  Empathy only can take a human mind so far.  As my world religions instructor put it, "Words limit the experience".   Eventually, you will have to actually go to a place or have a particular experience to get the essential knowledge you want.  

He then transitioned into the topic of education.  At this point, he asked the audience what the purpose of education is.  One year ago, I raised my hand and when he called on me in a class of over 300 students, I said, "To expand our knowledge and to expand our opportunities."  He agreed entirely.  After a few more answers from the audience, he said the purpose of a professional education in the school of business is to master the language of business, which is accounting.

Next, Tony changed gears and spoke about the real business world.  He said Wall St. and the "real economy" are often demonized by politicians and journalists.  In fact, it is business and commerce that have solved more of society's problems than government he stated.  He said the highest form of compassion a human being can have is to start a business because jobs are created and livelihoods are enhanced.  He went on to say that if you want to prove your value to society, you do that by consistently solving complex problems for others.

I want to draw attention to just how much truth the content in the preceding paragraph contains.  Think about the drugs we take, the products we buy.  Almost everything we own was developed by innovative, visionary people and companies working with the aid of the free market to market, produce, and sell their inventions.  When the government intervenes in an economy to a great degree, the prices of goods and quantity of goods produced in a given market are both thrown out of equilibrium.  Thus, there are shortages and surpluses.  One does not need to look further than the Soviet Union for an example of how price-fixing can result in starvation of a citizenry.

He then went into great detail about his own personal journey to successful CEO of 1st Global.  In short, he started as a farm boy in a Kansas town near Salina.  He attended KU and majored in business.  Upon graduation, he applied for jobs at all of the Big 8 accounting firms and was hired by Arthur Anderson in 1979.  From there, he became the Vice President of a real estate company, then switched over the private sector for another V.P. job.  After that, he decided he wanted to start his own business in 1992.  He said the most valuable lesson he learned in his career is that honoring your promises you make to people is the anchor of happiness.  Then, he said as an entrepreneur, he is often asked the question of where his inspiration comes from.  His answer is simple: lots and lots of experience and reading constantly.  He also mentioned that courage is important.  Here is a quote, "All great living is caused by never playing the coward's role."

After Tony finished his presentation, there was a brief question and answer session that lasted about 15 minutes.  The first question was whether accounting is a time-consuming profession.  His answer was absolutely yes.  He said he spent 3,000 hours a year working at his first job at Arthur Anderson and gained a plethora of experiences.  The next question was what he looks for in an interview.  Tony responded by saying that the most selfish words a person can use in an interview is to inquire how this job will help your career.  Second, the best question an interviewee can ask is, "How can I contribute to this company?"

All things considered, the good messages in Tony's talk far outweighed the confusing parts.  I am fortunate to have listened to such a highly regarded and well-respected professional.  What impressed me far more than anything else was his attempt to connect with his audience by taking the time to personally introduce himself to the students who had arrived early.  My takeaway: you can be inspired on Friday mornings. 

Senin, 19 September 2011

College Students In High-Tech

I’m pleased to report that college students are doing more than binge drinking these days.  Last Wednesday, Eva Sasson and Justin Mardjuki presented their mobile application at the DEMO Conference in Silicon Valley, a technology convention that focuses on showcasing new products from entrepreneurs and established companies.  Popular household products such as TiVo, Adobe Acrobat, and E-Trade all rose from obscurity at the DEMO Conference. 

Unlike most of the presenters, Eva and Justin are full-time college students, and the duo started TappMob while on summer vacation.  TappMob is a mobile app that lets you check in at a location and notify just one person or small groups of people you are there.  As you might know, there’s an app called Foursquare that allows people to check into public locations--this is a more personalized modification.  Eva and Justin developed TappMob so that young people can “check-in” with their parents on occasion. 

“Everytime I drive somewhere my mom would be calling me to check in but I couldn’t pick up the phone to talk while I was driving,” says Sasson, now the CEO of the company.  Now, she can touch a button to send her parents her location on a map.

Although TappMob commenced as a summertime concept, it has quickly developed into a legitimate business.  Eva and Justin received funding from Accretive, a private equity firm that invests in startup companies.  On September 11, TappMob submitted its first app to the Apple App Store.  Now, the company is in the planning stages for three more mobile apps based on the concept of one-touch technology. 

Eva and Justin are part of increasingly younger generations of entrepreneurs.  In May, PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel announced the members of the 20 Under 20 Thiel Fellowships, which endow young people with $100,000 grant to turn their ideas into companies.  The grant winners are using the funds to create a wide range of businesses, from alternative energy to education to e-commerce.  Calgary Native and Princeton sophomore Eden Full will use her grant money to speed up the process of patenting and licensing her solar panel technology that operates without the aid of electricity. 
I liken these young startups to high-school athletes that skip college to play professional sports.  You have your brilliant success stories like Kobe and LeBron, but for every high-profile Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg story, there are many, less-publicized examples of successful businesspeople who stayed in school.  Thiel’s program has come under scrutiny for luring young people out of college early, but it has defended itself by arguing students can always return to school if their business doesn’t work out.   

Minggu, 18 September 2011

Football Week 3

High School

Blue Springs South 28 Lee's Summit West 14
Despite a brutal schedule through the first four weeks of the season, the Blue Springs South Jaguars are 3-1 heading into next week.  On Friday, they defeated the defending Class 5 champions Lee's Summit West in a downpour.  The Blue Springs South Jaguars have solidified their reputation as run-stoppers and giant-slayers.  Last season, LS West's only loss of the year came to Blue Springs South.

Rockhurst 34 Liberty 14
The Hawklets managed to stay undefeated against a smaller Liberty team.  In an air assaults uncharacteristic of Rockhurst football this season, quarterback Nick Jones threw for four touchdowns to four different teammates.  It was a seven point game at halftime, but Rockhurst outscored Liberty 20-7 in the second half.

SM Northwest 23 Olathe Northwest 20
SM Northwest kicker Jorn Winkelmolen found himself in similar situation two weeks in a row.  Last week, the junior place kicker missed a 25-yard attempt that would have sealed a victory against SM West.  As fate would have it, the Vikings went on to defeat the Cougars in overtime.  This week, Winkelmolen drilled a 31 yard field goal to cap a 23-20 comeback win against a previously undefeated Olathe Northwest squad.


Georgia Tech 66 Kansas 24
Georgia Tech and KU looked like similar teams in the first half.  Both teams moved the football down the field at will against inferior defenses, and at halftime, the Wramblin Wreck led 24-17.  From there, the Yellow Jacket's offense exploded while the Jayhawk attacks stagnated in what quickly became a lopsided match.  Georgia Tech ended up with a disgusting 768 total yards, 604 of those coming on the ground.

Oklahoma 23 Florida State 13
The Sooners entered this contest as the No. 1 team in the land, and they found a way to win in a true road game.  Oklahoma's high-powered offense didn't perform as well as expected, but their defense came through when it counted.  Heisman candidate Landry Jones threw two picks and just one touchdown against the Seminole defense.

Illinois 17 Arizona State 14
Rockhurst high school graduate Nathan Scheelhaase led the Fighting Illini to a victory over a ranked opponent with an 11/15 performance.  Scheelhaase also carried the ball 18 times for 67 yards.  The Illini accomplished what the Missouri Tigers could not--defeat a defensively oriented Arizona State team. 

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

4 Common Misconceptions About The Roman Catholic Church

While the Roman Catholic Church is the oldest and largest within Christianity, and it also might be the least understood Church of any religion.  Led by the Pope, the Roman Catholic Church reports more than a billion members.  Perhaps the most distinctive doctrine of Catholicism is transubstantiation, which teaches the bread and wine are transformed into the body and blood of Jesus Christ.  However, there are other teachings of the Church that people seem to misunderstand...

Misconception: Catholics worship Mary, and therefore, commit idoltry.
The Catholic Church identifies three types of worship- latria, hyperdulia, and dulia.  Latria, the highest form of worship, can only be given to God, and if it is offered to anyone or anything else, it is considered to be a sin.  Hyperdulia is considered a different degree of reverence, and therefore, it can be given to the Blessed Virgin Mary.  In English, hyperdulia roughly translates into veneration.  Dulia is a special type of veneration given to saints and angels.  

Misconception: The Pope is infallible (incapable of making mistakes).
In fact, the Pope is only infallible under very specific circumstances. 
-The Pope must be making a decree on matters on faith or morals
-The declaration must be binding on the whole Church
-The Pope must be speaking with the full authority of Papacy, and not in a personal capacity.

Here’s an example from Pope Saint Pius V in the 16th Century at the Council of Trent:

“If anyone denies that in the sacrament of the most Holy Eucharist are contained truly, really and substantially the body and blood together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and consequently the whole Christ, but says He is in it only as a sign, or figure, or force, let him be anathema.”

“Let him be anathema” is a standard phrase that generally appears at the end of an infallible teaching.  It means, “Let him be cursed.”  A more recent example is when Pope John Paul II declared that women can not become priests.

Misconception: The Catholic Church is anti-science, anti-reason, and rejects evolution.

On the contrary, the Catholic Church has contributed a great deal to science and education.  Belgian priest Monsignor Georges Lemaitre was the first to propose the Big Bang Theory.  Unlike many of the Protestant and evangelical denominations of Christianity, the Catholic Church does not outright reject the theory of evolution.  In 2004, a Theological Commission supervised by Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI) issued the following statement--

“According to the widely accepted scientific account, the universe erupted 15 billion years ago in an explosion called the Big Bang and has been expanding and cooling ever since...Converging evidence from many studies in the physical and biological sciences furnishes mounting support for some theory of evolution to account for the development and diversification of life on earth, while controversy continues over the pace and mechanisms of evolution.”

Misconception: No Catholic priest can get married

While it is usually true that an ordained priest in the Roman Catholic Church can not be married, the Eastern Catholic Church does allow priests to marry, but a married priest cannot become a Bishop in the ladder case.  Not to be confused with the Orthodox Church, the Eastern Catholic Church still recognizes the Pope as the leader of the Church.  There are plenty of differences between the Roman Catholics and Eastern Catholics, but they believe nearly the same teachings.

Also, priests who convert from other religions are sometimes allowed to remain married.  The father of a high school friend of mine went through this process, and is now a married Roman Catholic priest.  

Jumat, 16 September 2011

Aircraft Carrier Transcript

The following is a transcript from an US Navy aircraft carrier.

#1: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision.
#2: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to South to avoid a collision.
#1: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course.
#2: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course.
#2. This is a lighthouse. Your call.

Rabu, 14 September 2011

Interview with Dr. Raquel Alexander

Today, I'm thrilled to announce that I am publishing an interview with Dr. Raquel Alexander, an assistant tax professor at the University of Kansas. Raquel earned her Ph.D. in 2001 at the University of Texas-Austin.  Prior to that, she earned a BS in Accounting at the University of Kansas, a Masters in Taxation at Arizona State University and worked as a tax consultant in the Dallas, Texas and Phoenix, Arizona offices at KPMG.  She is a licensed CPA in Kansas.  Raquel's award-winning research has lead to reform in the college savings industry, and has been requested by policy makers and regulators such as the SEC, the MSRB, FINRA, and the White House.   Raquel has been quoted or cited in numerous popular press publications including Business Week, the International Herald Tribune, The Washington Post, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal.

How did you become interested in tax?  What inspired you to have the goalof changing tax law to be more equitable and convenient?  
My first tax class as an undergraduate at the University of Kansaslit the spark. Unlike other areas of accounting curriculum, tax presented an opportunity to work with the law and legal precedents while serving as a client advocate.  The complexity of the tax code creates interesting problems for classwork, but in practiceI saw that this complexity has real costs to taxpayers, business owners, employees and savers.  
Taxes won't be going away - they are necessary to operate the government;  butthey can certainly be structured to be more equitable, more conducive to growth and more convenient for taxpayers.  Complexity arises because we are now using the tax code to administer social and economic development programs (with mixed efficacy).  Thereare a number of excellent proposals to restructure the tax code that are currently being debated.  The recent protests at Apple Stores andat U2 Concerts showthat young people are starting to pay attention to inequity in the tax system. 
On the convenience side, I see merit in sending the IRS taxpayers a preliminarytax return with the information reported by employers and financial institutions already filled in.  The taxpayer could choose to file the return or change it to include additional income and deductions.   The IRS has the information and should push it outto reduce compliance costs.  It has been working in California and other countries for nearly a decade.

Among other things, you have done extensive research on college savingsplans. Can you explain what a 529 college savings plan is, and the benefits it has to offer?  
It might be easiest to think of 529 plans as college IRA accounts - the accountsare invested in mutual funds or CDs with tax-free growth.  Distributions are also tax-free when used for qualified higher educational expenses (such as tuition, fees, books, computers, and room and board).  Many states allow income tax deductions upon contribution(e.g., CO allows a $1 for $1 unlimited deduction for contributions).   A great place to learn about all the perks and unique benefits of 529 plans is here: www.savingforcollege.com

In the tax research graduate level course you teach, you have incorporatedservice learning into the curriculum.  Can you explain what this entails and why you chose to include such a unique approach? 
Service learningis an opportunity to provide students with meaningful, impactful ways to apply the curriculum while serving others.  In class, we work hard to understand the tax laws relevantto our clients and then we provide them with advice on their unique tax needs.  I am most proud of KU students’ work to help Hurricane Katrina victims and United Way affiliates throughout the state.  A former tax student, Taylor Petty, recently gave U.S. Congressionaltestimony about his tax service learning project to develop the financial literacy curriculum for the KS high schoolsEvery semester we have different clients and it is thrilling to see the students in action!  

What advice would you give to young people wanting to pursue a career intax accounting? 
In college, take as many tax and finance classes as possible.  Once working,stay current in the tax law, pay attention to business trends, and be ready to specialize in a new field within tax.  There are many accountants who made millions working on the Research and Development Credit when the law was first enacted.  New tax law createsnew opportunities for tax professionals. 

What’s the first thing you would do if you won $10,000,000 (other than paytaxes)?   
Open a 529 plan, of course.  Then go South By Southwestin Austin Texas and have mango-poblano chile quesadillas and margaritas at the Hula Hut.

Where do you find inspiration?   
Thereis an old saying “it takes a village to raise a child” but it also takes a village to raise a professor.  I have learned so much from my faculty peers but I have learned the most from the students and they make me excited to come to work every day.  The students’interests led to the service learning course (and to showing Daily Show tax clips in class.

What’s the difference between living and existing?    
Joe– you ask some tough questions!  It is probably the same as the difference between being a tax student and taking a tax class.    
Thanks for the interview!  Rock Chalk!  Raquel

Selasa, 13 September 2011

Bank of America Cuts Costs and Jobs

As a part of a cost reduction strategy, Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan announced a $5 billion cost-cutting plan that includes 30,000 jobs.  As of June 30, Bank of America had 288,000 employees, so the cuts equal a 10.4% decrease in workers.  The Bank of America stock price stayed consistent despite the news of job cuts, but it has dropped 47% since the beginning of 2011.

Although, the primary cost cuts will come from commercial banking and global technology, Bank of America officials will try to reduce expenses within wealth management, corporate finance, and investment banking.   

The expense cuts are deep, but the key issue is whether they are deep enough to offset Bank of America's exposure to multi-million dollar lawsuits related to foreclosures and mortgages.  In 2008, the bank acquired Countrywide Financial, one of the many subprime mortgage lenders that gave loans to individuals who would not make consistent payments.  The legal costs stemming from this acquisition turned what would have been a profit into a record $8.8 billion loss during the second quarter of this year as the bank racked up expenses to settle claims.  In August, insurance company AIG sued BofA over losses $28 billion of mortgage securities, seeking $10 billion.  Earlier this month, the Federal Housing Finance Agency sued the bank on behalf of mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

This news comes after Bank of American sold $5 billion of preferred stock to Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway and agreed to sell half its remaining stake in a major Chinese lender.  This current event also follows a shake up in top management at BofA in which two high-ranking officials were fired. 

Senin, 12 September 2011

Guest Post: Students For Life Prepare To Take On Opponent's Agenda

Today's post is written by Will Stewart- Starks.  

This week a united Students For Life kicked off plans for a robust campaign to defend the unborn.  They hope to impact the debate at KU with a week of educational events and activism as well as service to their community.

Kansas politics continues to become turbulent over the de-funding of abortion clinics across the state including one that recently was forced to shut down in the college town of Lawrence. Groups like the campus Commission on the Status of Women organizing with the likes of  Planned Parenthood to distort the facts of successes made by state pro-life activists have descended on the University.
Holding early events like Sextival, a seemingly harmless table to promote safe sex and poll students on previous education on the topic, also served as a platform to recruit students to come to the aid of Planned Parenthood's legal battle with Kansas lawmakers.

But Students For Life is fighting back and is exposing bias on campus in the form of a media blackout of their perspective.  Two articles in the last week have failed to meet editorial muster, even for the often slanted campus rag, the University Daily Kansan.  Each, one on Sextival and the other on a recent capitol protest lacks the standard rebuttal to meet the papers own standard of fairness and balance.  This is made even more evident after an editorial response by a Students For Life member has yet to be run in the online or printed edition.

Thursday evening, a Kansans for Life representative and long time pro-life organizer gave the students tips to radicalize their efforts.  Providing examples from history having been a veteran of the Summer of Mercy and an activist at Wichita State University, rich experiences and lessons learned were passed along to what he described as the next generation.  When describing what lives students should focus on defending he replied, the man on death row has a legal team at his disposal and a judicial process, however, the unborn child has no one, not even a small weapon to defend itself.  The student activist can play a major role in saving the lives of the 3,600 innocent babies sentenced to death each day.

Minggu, 11 September 2011

9/11 Pictures

Today marks the ten years since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2011 caused so much grief and suffering.  Children lost parents.  Husbands lost wives.  Many individuals should also be remembered for their heroism and bravery in helping those affected by the attacks.  Because a picture is worth a thousand words, today's post will contain the most powerful photos I could find of September 11, 2011.

Remnants of United Flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania

Before and After Comparison

The pictures of those that lost their lives on 9/11

Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Football Week 2

 High School Football

Rockhurst 16 vs. Blue Springs South 3
The Hawklets entered the week undefeated with two legitimate victories over Blue Springs and Hutchinson.  Blue Springs South has given Rockhurst fits in the past, but the Hawklets utilized solid running game complimented by senior quarterback Nick Jones and a strong defense anchored by Michael Rose to overcome the Jaguars.  Blue Springs South came into this matchup with a 2-0 record as well, although Raytown South and Park Hill South don’t indicate a great strength of schedule.

SM West 38 vs. SM Northwest 31 OT
Although SM West is typically a powerful squad, it struggled in week one against Lawrence, losing 35-12.  SM Northwest endured an uncharacteristic 28-3 drubbing at the hands of the SM East Lancers.  SM West redeemed themselves before heading to Olathe North in week three.

Big 12 Football

Despite the chaos within the Big 12 right now, the conference schedule moves forward with a five games this weekend. 

#9 Oklahoma State 37 Arizona 14
In a rather embarrassing game, the Cowboys offense shredded Arizona’s defense for 594 yards.  Oklahoma State jumped ahead quickly in the first half, with a 1 yard TD run by Joseph Randle.  At halftime, Arizona found themselves trailing 21-0.  Okie State quarterback Brandon Weeden completed 42 of 53 passes for 397 yards and two TDs. 

#21 Missouri 30 vs. Arizona State 37 OT
The Tigers took their game down to Phoenix for a high profile non-conference matchup with the Arizona State Sun Devils.  Mizzou QB James Franklin has huge shoes to fill--all of Missouri’s previous three quarterbacks are currently in the NFL.  Last week against Miami (Ohio), Franklin displayed his rushing prowess with a team-best 72 yards on the ground.  This week, he completed 26 of 42 passes for a respectable 319 yards and 2 TDs.  On the ground, Franklin carried the ball 27 times for 84 yards and a TD.  However, the Tigers could not overcome an Arizona State team that barely missed the top 25. 

Kansas vs. Northern Illinois
KU football is not expected to win many games this year, but they showed fleeting glimpses of decency last week in a 42-24 victory over McNeese State.  This week, the Jayhawks host Northern Illinois at 6 P.M. at Memorial Stadium in Lawrence.  Despite being a smaller program, NIU is favored to win. 

Jumat, 09 September 2011

Life Lessons From The Blue Man Group

Back in the late 1980’s, Phil Stanton, Matt Goldman, and Chris Wink formed the Blue Man Group, a high-concept performing trio with cobalt-blue skin, no hair, and an inability to speak.  After kickstarting their careers in New York in 1987, the Blue Man Group has performed thousands of times in five continents.   

When Phil, Matt, and Chris pitched the idea to people, it was viewed as absurd and ridiculous.  Even close, well-meaning friends and family, told them hundreds of reasons why they were crazy.
-It’s not reasonable.
-It’s weird.
-It’s too childish and strange.
-It’s too long.
-People won’t get it.

Here’s how “crazy” they are--the Blue Man Group has been nominated for a Grammy Award and performed live at the Grammy to a standing ovation at the Staples Center.  They have received millions of dollars in donations to help families with AIDS.  They have gone to Washington D.C. to lobby senators and representatives to fund music and arts education in the public school system and started a private elementary school.  They have participated in a panel to find different ways to creative with two Nobel Prize laureates, the Dalai Lama, and a British Knight.   

If someone ever tells you what you can’t do, let those comments fuel your passion and drive.  Allow their words to motivate you to reach your goals that much more.  You can take yourself to higher levels regardless of anyone else’s opinion. 

Blue Man Group co-founder Phil Stanton grew up curious about tinkering and building things.  At the time, Phil had no desire to pursue a career in theatre even though both his mother and father were musicians and singers.  He was a shy child, and suffered from stage fright.  After graduating high school, Phil got a job at a store that sells tons of industrial building materials.  While working there, he became intrigued with gears, nuts, bolts, PVC pipes, and stainless steel.  Eventually, Phil moved on and that job ended.  He went to a liberal arts college and bounced around between several majors before finally settling on acting.  After meeting Chris Wink while working at a waiter in New York.  He met Matt Goldman soon after.  When the threesome was just starting out, all that knowledge about pipe, metal, and building materials from the job at the hardware store 12 years before came flooding back to Phil.  They constructed odd instruments and other mechanical stage sets that eventually became  integral elements to the Blue Man Group experience. 

Had Phil not taken that high school job at the industrial building store, he would not have had the know-how to construct these bizarre, yet potent instruments.  The lesson here is if you pay attention to and learn from every experience life has to offer, you will be able to apply that knowledge in whatever you wind up doing.  There should be an overarching continuity in our lives between different time periods.  It’s not like you become a completely different person when you go off to college.  No matter where you go, you still have sum of your experiences to draw from.

Kamis, 08 September 2011

Dispatch 9/8/2011

6:46 P.M.  Sitting in a room in the Kansas Union.  What a week it's been!  Meetings, classes, and assignments have cut significantly into my blogging time.  With every day comes a unique challenge, an opportunity to better yourself.  Prolonging and maximizing those opportunities ought to be your goal.  Business fraternities, student clubs, research organizations, job opportunities--there's just so many chances to better yourself.  I'd love the chance to become a mentor or role model--I believe that if someone looks up to you for the right reasons, this is sign you are bettering yourself and also working to better people around you.

After three weeks of college read "Chaos", I am coming to appreciate free time.  Striking a balance between leisure and productivity can be a delicate task.  For college students, time management is a skill that you must learn immediately, especially if you juggle multiple responsibilities.

You can accomplish a ton through relationships.  In Asian culture, relationships are everything--nothing can be done without them.  Even in America, a country where contracts are valued, strong, lasting relationships go a long way.  Even something as simple as greeting someone with a smile will leave a lasting impact.  In the business world, we call it "networking", but I consider that a fancy euphemism for establishing relationships. 

Earlier today, I heard that one of those frozen yogurt places is giving away free yogurt in Lawrence.  I highly doubt the validity of this claim, but I will visit the shop during my stroll down Mass Street this evening.  Maybe all these cupcake businesses are the latest form of competition to frozen yogurt shops.  However, I am more excite about my walk this evening.  You can experience so much beauty if you just walk outside and look at the sky or the sunset.  We spend so much time indoors and fail to experience the beauty of nature.  

I've been both entertained and disgusted by the way college students speak.  Even in the Business School, it's common to hear "like" and "oh my gosh" interspersed in almost every sentence.  That way of communicating is unprofessional and it lacks tact.  It can make an otherwise intelligent individual appear mindless.  Our society is terrified by silence--we view silence as the inability to communicate.  Here's a different way of looking at this issue--silence is an indication that you are thinking and deliberating.

Thanks for reading this,
