Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Brain-Boosting Foods

Ritalin and Adderall are two common prescription medications used by college students across the nation.  These drugs make an individual focus for longer spans of time by altering chemicals in the brain.  I’ve heard success stories from students who take Adderall.  One friend of mine aces every test he takes because he pops a couple pills a couple days before his exams and studies away.  
Because I adhere to the principles of straight-edge, I never intake any type of substance that alters my mind.  Instead, I’ve discovered natural ways to increase brain function when it comes time to study.  Here are some of the best foods for your brain.  Start stocking up on these foods and observe how much your focus and memory improve.
Almost all fish has plenty of omega-3 fatty acids.  It’s not the fish that is healthy for you, it’s the algae that the fish consume.  When you are buying fish, purchase fish that has not been fattened on an unhealthy diet of grain-feed.  You might need to pay a bit more, but your brain will thank you.  

Blue Berries
Blue berries are an antioxidant powerhouse, neutralizing damage to tissue and cells that cause cataracts, glaucoma, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids.  I cannot verify this, but I’ve read in many articles that blue berries improve your memory and increase mental capacity.  

Eggs are a rich source of Vitamin B and essential fatty acids.  The yolk is rich in choline, which is a basic building block of brain cells that helps improve memory.  Take ‘em scrambled or poached!

Every time I enter the dining hall, I don’t let myself leave until I consume a fair amount of broccoli.  You might not like the taste of them, but broccoli, carrots, olives, and cauliflower love helping your brain maximize its functioning capabilities.  

There’s a reason the FDA included vegetables and fruits on their Food Pyramid--they are good for you.  If you fill your plate with the colors of the rainbow, your brain will be more colorful and creative.  Avocados are especially good at increasing blood flow to the brain because they contain monounsaturated fats.  Cantaloupes, watermelon, plums, oranges, apples, grapes, and peaches also will get the job done.

Bonus: Water     
Nearly three fourths of the brain is water, so H20 is an essential component for the smooth functioning of the brain.  If you don’t believe me, check out people who are dehydrated.  The main character of 127 Days began to hallucinate after 2 days without water.  When dehydration occurs, the brain releases a chemical called cortisol, which shrinks dendrites (the branches that store information).  This leads to a decrease in memory power. 


Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Movie Review: The Social Network

As you might know, the 83rd Academy Awards will take place tonight.  The Social Network is one film that is up for multiple awards- best picture, best actor in a leading role, cinematography, directing, film editing, original score, sound mixing and writing.  What's it about?  The founding of the most popular social networking site in existence today- Facebook.

I finally had a chance to watch The Social Network last night, and I must say, I was very impressed and interested.  Even though some of the facts are exaggerated and untrue, the plot is an interesting storyline about the founding of Facebook and the subsequent lawsuits.  Aaron Sorkin wrote the screenplay, which was a tipoff that this movie was going to be excellent.  Sorkin is the same man responsible for bringing us The West Wing, A Few Good Men, and Charlie Wilson's War.  Director David Fincher is known for his dark, stylish thrillers- Fight Club and Panic Room.

Although Mark Zuckerberg is the brainchild, CEO, and founder of Facebook, according to the film, we have one woman to thank- Erica Albright.  In 2003, Erica breaks up with then Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg after a date that ended horribly.  Mark tried to impress Erica by showing off his intellectual prowess and it ended up being a turnoff.  Mark then races back to his dorm room, gets drunk, and writes a scathing, cruel blog post about her.  In his drunken rage, he is inspired to create a website that rates the attractiveness of female students when compared to each other.  To accomplish this, he hacks into the databases of various dorms around Harvard and downloads head shots and names of female students.  Within hours, the traffic to the site is too much for the Harvard network to handle and it subsequently crashes.  As a result, Zuckerberg is put on academic probation and becomes universally hated by Harvard's female community.  This sexist hot-or-not website was the precursor to Facebook.

Despite the negative backlash, Zuckerberg came to the attention of Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, identical twins and member of Harvard's rowing team and their business partner Divya Narendra.  These three privileged students have an idea for a website called Harvard Connection, which would be an exclusive social networking site for Harvard students.  They needed a gifted programmer, so they contacted Zuckerberg and explained their vision.  Instead of helping them, Zuckerberg steals portions of their idea and approaches his best friend, Eduardo, informing him of his idea for what he calls "Thefacebook".  When the Winklevoss twins and Nrendra learn about Thefacebook, they decide to settle the matter as "Harvard gentlemen" but when Zuckerberg's site begins to expand overseas to England, they agree to sue him for theft of intellectual property.  Hence, one lawsuit.

Through a girl named Christy, Eduardo and Mark arrange a meeting with Napster co-founder Sean Parker.  At the meeting, Sean presents a business vision for Facebook similar to Mark's, but Eduardo is skeptical, noting Sean's controversial personal and professional history.  Before he leaves, Sean recommends they drop the "The" from Thefacebook.  Shortly after, Mark moves the company to Silicon Valley, California while Eduardo remains in New York seeking advertising support.  In California, Sean unsuccessfully tries to lure Mark into a world of wild parties, women, booze, and cocaine.  Zuckerberg would rather work on Facebook to a fault perhaps.  For instance, Zuckerberg did not even notice when Sean redrafted the financial arrangements to exclude Eduardo.  When Eduardo visits from New York, he is angered to find Sean living at their rented house making business decisions for Facebook.  The tension between Eduardo and Sean continues to grow and comes to a climax when Eduardo discovers that the deal he signed with Sean's investors has allowed them to dilute his share of the company from 34% to three hundredths of a percent.  He confronts Mark and announces his intention to sue him and the company.  Hence, two lawsuits.

Throughout the film, the viewer is taken back to the depositions against Zuckerberg.  It's an interesting framing device that connects the plot with what is happening in the lawsuits.

Overall, I loved every aspect of The Social Network.  In addition to Sorkin's superb screenplay, the acting by Jesse Eisenberg (Zuckerberg) and Justin Timberlake (Parker) was phenomenal.  Nine Inch Nails leader Trent Reznor wrote an excellent score and visually, The Social Network was gripping and well-made.  We will see if the selection committee at the Academy Awards agree tonight.

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

Women Priests?

An interesting news story has surfaced out of San Diego, California.  A woman by the name of Dr. Norma Jean Coon has been an active member in a group called Roman Catholic Women Priests.  Back in 2007, she was "ordained" by a female bishop in Germany.  While the ordination was entirely illegitimate and not recognized by the Roman Catholic Church, she still considered herself to be a Roman Catholic priest despite being excommunicated.

On February 8,  Dr. Coon renounced the alleged ordination.  On her personal website, she states, "I relinquish all connection to the program of Roman Catholic Women Priests.  I disclaim the alleged ordination publicly, with apologies to those whose lives I have offended or scandalized."  As you probably know, the Church has reserved the priesthood for men only, a teaching that was codified in Pope John Paul II's Apostolic Letter 'Ordinatio Sacerdotalis'.  In his letter, Pope JPII states, "I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful."  Anyone who violates this teaching is subject to excommunication for failing to observe the canon laws of the Church.

The issue of a woman becoming a priest has sparked a heated debate.  In this era, women hold more positions of power than at any other point in history.  In America, Sheila Bair (Chairman of the FDIC), Indra Nooyi (CEO of Pepsi Co), and Irene Rosenfeld (Chairman and CEO of Kraft Foods)  have performed competently in high-ranking jobs.  If women can be just as successful as men in the business world and in secular society, why then can't a woman become a priest in the Roman Catholic Church?  If a woman's abilities are not the issue in question, what is stopping the Church from ordaining her?  In protestant religions, women ministers are very commonplace as are Bishops in the Anglican Church.  In fact, Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori was elected in 2006 as the first female Presiding Bishop in the history of the Episcopal Church.

When I brought this question up to a sister at the St. Lawrence Center, she responded by saying that men and women have equal, complementary roles in the Roman Catholic Church.  The reason for not allowing women into the priesthood has nothing to do with disrespect or discrimination.  Secondly, she explained, Jesus only selected men as his Apostles, and those Apostles only chose men as their successors.  But is it really fair to compare gender roles of 1st Century of Galilee with those of the modern-day?  Even if we make this assumption, Mary Magdalene is an example of a woman who was not an Apostle, but still followed Jesus and spread his message.    

I've also heard that when the Sacrament of Holy Orders is conferred, the man receiving the ordination then acts in persona Christi--in the person of Christ.  Because Christ was a man, only men can take on the priesthood--or so the argument goes.

I know that for Catholics, questioning the actions of Jesus is considered taboo.  Here's the line of logic presented by the Catholic Church.
1. God does not make mistakes.
2. When God became Man,  his omnipotence carried over to his Son.
3. Jesus cannot make mistakes. (from 1 and 2)
4. When Jesus was selecting his Apostles, he cannot of made a mistake. (instance of a universal generalization from 3)
5. Jesus selected only men to be his Apostles.
C. Jesus did not make a mistake while selecting his Apostles.

Nevertheless, this issue remains a hot topic.  Dr. Coon is being praised by Catholics for renouncing her ordination, but I'm sure many feminists are disappointed and upset.  The Church has remain steadfast in its teaching against the ordination of women, and that also has its merits.  If the Church were to adapt its teachings frequently, it would decrease the legitimacy of an anchored institution that supposedly spreading the Word of God.  

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Carl Hall: An Inspiring Story

Last June, family man and former Wichita State baseball player Carl Hall was injured in a car accident.  His wife, two daughters, son, and a family friend were in the car, but were uninjured.  Carl, however, was in serious condition.  After spending time in critical condition at Via Christi Hospital, his family was informed that he was paralyzed from the neck down.  The diagnosis was not positive--Carl had sustained a traumatic neck injury due to compression of his spinal cord.  
To make matters worse, just four days before the accident, Carl was laid off from his job as a pharmaceutical sales representative in company downsizing.  
Immediately after the accident while the family was still in shock, his friends came quickly to their aid.  Requests were made and fundraisers were held.  Through therapy at Craig Hospital in Denver, Colorado, Carl’s rehabilitation process has been expedited, but he is still paralyzed from the neck down.  How would you feel if that you had to spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair?  It’d be a shocking and possibly depressing realization for all of us, but Carl has remained optimistic, good-natured, and determined.  For instance, because he cannot manually move his body, Carl has become an expert at propelling himself with nothing but his own breath.     
I’ve never met Carl, but I’ve heard from mutual friends that he is a great man.  Throughout this tragic ordeal, Carl has remained more positive than many of us would have had we been in his shoes.  When he was playing baseball at Wichita State, he was a standout performer, earning honor of Missouri Valley Conference Player of the Year in 1994.   
In an inspiring turn of events, Carl and his family were selected to get a new house from “Extreme Home Makeover”.  To give you a snapshot of what kind of character Carl has, he was giving a pep talk to the Wichita State baseball team at their practice facility when Ty Pennington and his crew ran through the doors and announced that Carl was selected to be on the grand finale of the “Extreme Home Makeover” season.  
Construction crews and and volunteer workers started building the house a day after the announcement.  Even college students with no affiliation with the baseball programs joined the corps of volunteers that have donated their time and effort into making this project a success.
While I have never met Carl or his family, it’s stories like this that make me realize how well human beings can treat each other.  First, there’s Carl, who has remained determined and positive after the loss of his job and the loss of the functionality of his body.  His wife and his kids have displayed great courage in the face of hardship by sticking by their beloved Carl.  The Wichita community has reached a helping hand out on a huge scale.  Not only have they raised money.  They have invested their own time and effort into building him and his family a house that will accommodate his new personal needs that have arisen as a result of the accident.  This story is a great example of people helping people.  I love to see that, especially so close to home.

If you are interested in learning more, here is a link to his benefit website...

Here's the link to his Recovery Fan Club on Facebook.

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Socrates' Philosophy

This semester, I am not taking a philosophy class in the sense that you might expect.  While I am taking a symbolic logic course, I am not reading any Socrates, Aristotle, Descartes, Hume, or Kant.  For this reason, I decided it was good idea to write a post about what Socrates added to the study of philosophy.  We often regard the ancient Greek Socrates as the exemplar of what it means to be a philosopher.
Although Socrates never wrote any texts, his student Plato is widely accepted as his mouthpiece.  As you might know, Socrates was sentenced to death on the charge of “corrupting the youth”, a decision which he accepted.  According to Plato’s writings, Socrates had the opportunity to escape, but after debating the issue, he decided it was his duty not to undermine the authority of the Greek state, a decision which has generated much debate among philosophers ever since.  His death is rather famous in part because he consumed a poisonous substance called hemlock, which led to his demise.  
Although the historical facts of the real Socrates are hazy and uncertain, the impact he left on Western thought is undeniably real.  He introduced a way of philosophical inquiry that eventually came to be known as the Socratic Method.  By asking a wide range of questions, Socrates was able to make other people realize how little they actually knew about topics in which they claimed expertise.  
Most of the time, Socrates employed this method on an authority figure.  The process went something like this:
  1. The authority figure makes a statement

  2. Socrates puts the authority figure through a string of questions to fully understand what was actually said.

  3. Socrates proceeds to present a string of reasoning, all of which are based on the figure’s previous statements or previous premises. 

  4. Socrates presents a counterexample or an inconsistency in the figure’s reasoning.

  5. Socrates then claims he has shown that the figure’s statement is false.

What I admire most about Socrates is his humility.  He never claimed to know anything he could not prove.  While his method is useful in a philosophy classroom, it also is employed outside school in a court of law and simply to elevate growth in human understanding.  However, I will say that when overdone, the Socratic method can be frustrating and irritating, which is why it has a time and a place.  Questioning everything can be time-consuming and annoying, especially when you are simply trying to relax and have a good time.  Also, it is very important to note that the end goal of the Socratic Method should be to acquire knowledge and grow in understanding together.  Unfortunately, some people have employed the Socratic Method to trap, confuse, and bewilder others while elevating their own ego.  This misuse of the admirable Socratic method is dishonorable, cheap, and rather contemptible.

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Thoughts on the Future of Joe's Musings

I'm glad to announce that Joe's Musings has been up and running for almost two months.  Changing my publisher from Facebook to Blogger has been a learning experience to say the least.  I've learned about HTML code, traffic statistics, design, monetization, and templates.  These might all be jargon terms to you, and I would agree that most of these buzzwords are just that- terminology unique to the blogosphere.

However, when I think about the future of this site, the visitors have positioned themselves as a priority.  Ideally, I want to create a place where internet users can come for advice, insight, and knowledge on a consistent basis.  I have a vision of Joe's Musings as being a a website that can positively influence lives.  I want to inform other people, spark lively discussions, provoke thought, and provide my own thoughts on a variety of subjects.

In addition to this broad mission statement, I want to measure my performance with specifics.  Here's a list of my goals for the next year.

1. Accrue 15,000 pageviews
2. Average a comment per post
3. Publish an e-book containing my best posts
4. Publish a post every single day
5. Increase revenue by 50% from AdSense, Amazon, and Indeed Job Publishers

As always, I am open to the idea of feedback given it is respectful and insightful.  My hope is to create a blog that you will follow and enjoy, and the best way to accomplish that objective is to hear from you.

Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Music Tuesday: Bob Marley

Today, I am publishing a song by the late Bob Marley.  Lately, I've been under quite a bit of stress to complete projects and study for exams, but the lyrics of this song seem to put my mind at ease.  When so much is required of you, it's valuable to think about the Marley's message in this song--"Don't worry about a thing,  Cuz every little thing is gonna be all right."

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Dispatch 2/21/11

Sitting in my dorm room around 8 A.M.  These next few weeks will be very busy, but I promise to post blogs for you every day.  America is in interesting times right now.  For a sixth straight day in Wisconsin, protestors are attempting to negotiate a compromise on a bill that will eliminate collective bargaining rights of public employee unions.  The bill calls for a short-term suspension of a union's bargaining rights until 2013 because the state of Wisconsin is currently bankrupt.  The bill would close a projected $3.6 billion budget deficit by forcing employees to pay more of their salaries towards their pensions and pay more of their own healthcare.  I don't think Governor Walker's requests are unreasonable, but I can also understand the protestor's perspective.  Put yourself in their shoes for a minute.  How would you react if you were required to pay more of your hard-earned dollars into government pension programs?  You will probably never see much of that money again.  On the other side, I can definitely understand the position of Wisconsin state Senate Republicans.  They recognize that the state of Wisconsin is headed into financial turmoil.  Instead of raising taxes on the entire population, they have decided to cut government spending by targeting government employees.

I have an interesting meeting later today with a group called Justice For All.  If have not heard of this organization, here is the link to their website- Justice For All.  Their mission is to train men and women to make abortion unthinkable for millions.  Warning, some of the images in their exhibit are extremely graphic.  Justice For All is hoping to work closely with Students for Life of KU, and I have been selected to represent us.  There is a fundamental difference in the ways these two organizations promote the pro-life message, but I'm hoping we can find a way to work together on this controversial issue.

The violent clashes between protestors and security forces in Libya has intensified.  Human Rights Watch said it has confirmed 233 death in the protests so far.  It's a terrible tragedy that Moammar Gaddafi cannot grant his citizens freedom of speech.  He would rather kill his own citizens that have a peaceful dialogue.  I don't see his reign of tyranny lasting much longer.  When the protestors start shooting back, an all-out revolution will inevitably occur.  Eventually, the military will turn against each other.  Some will back Gaddafi's evil regime and others will side with the forces of freedom and democracy.  It'll be interesting to follow the developing events over in Libya.

Recently, I've been thinking about how the American lifestyle is unhealthy.  We are taught from an early age that competition is good, that you can survive and prosper by stepping on someone else.  I entirely disagree with this warped view of humanity, but I'm coming to the conclusion that it is deeply engrained within the American psyche.  A lot of times, we don't even realize it either because we have been so desensitized.  In sports, there is a winner and a loser.  In socioeconomics, there are haves and have-nots.  Even religions, which are supposed to be accepting and tolerant, bicker with one another over which doctrines are true.  We need to learn how to take care of ourselves without doing it at the expense of others.  This impure way of living is the reason I choose to be by myself.  I have my own unique methods of dealing with the world, and even though I reside within a system that encourages greed, I have retained my own values and resolve.

Thanks for reading this.


Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

The Foundation for a Better Life

You might have seen the commercials that promote values.  (If you have not, there are examples at the bottom of this post)  Ever since I saw one of these ads about 2 years ago, I was curious about this organization.  Why didn’t they seem to be advertising a product?  Who funded all this advertising on huge media outlets?
The answer is quite inspiring.  The name behind the commercials is “Foundation for a Better Life”.  Better yet, there is no hidden agenda and no political affiliation behind this campaign.  Foundation for a Better Life is entirely funded by Philip Anschutz, a conservative Evangelical Christian, but the messages are not promoting a strictly Christian message.  Instead, the Foundation creates public service ads promoting values in an attempt to improve communities.  
Even more interesting is the fact that the Foundation does not solicit or accept donations and they are willing to promote values we need to pass on at no charge to the general public.  As skeptical as we have become in society, we often find ourselves  asking, “What is the catch?  How does this make money for someone?”  As Americans, we are trained to think in terms of dollars and personal benefit.  Anyone who appears to be acting solely for the purpose of helping others is immediately deemed semi-suspicious and questionable in the American psyche.  It appears as if there is no selfish motivation evident within the Foundation for A Better Life.  How wonderful and beautiful to see!
Mr. Anschutz founded the organization in 2000 with a $700 million endowment.  To this day, the Foundation for a Better Life continues to promote positive values.  They believe people are inherently good and just need a reminder every once in awhile.  On their website, you can find quotes, e-cards, stories, good news, and more.  To see such a positive organization is a breath of fresh air.  Furthermore, the actions of Mr. Anschutz serve as a reminder that philanthropy is alive and well. 

Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

Current State of Libya

Last week, longtime autocrat Hosni Mubarak resigned from his post as Egypt's president after two weeks of relentless protesting.  It didn't take long for the situation in Egypt to have a domino effect on the rest of the Arab world.  However, the other countries are dealing with the protests ruthlessly and violently.  In Libya, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi sent teams of snipers to shoot protesters and demonstrators.  Libyan hospitals are overwhelmed, but it's good to see people streaming in to donate blood.

As of Friday night, 84 people are believed to be dead in a downright cruel government response.  In 42 years, there has not been a greater challenge to Gaddafi's rule.  In Egypt and Tunisia, Facebook was used by protestors to coordinate protests, but the Libyan government has blocked both the popular social networking site and Al-Jazeera.

We are living in interesting times to say the least.  The latest uprising in Libya is just another example of how people desire to be free from the reigns of tyranny.  However, the Libyan military (under the thumb of Gaddafi) is making many protestors regret their decision to rise up against the government.  Soldiers are indiscriminately firing upon innocent crowds of civilians.  Women and children are jumping off bridges to their death in Benghazi to escape being ruthlessly gunned down by tanks and artillery.  This is quite possibly the largest human rights violation of the century.  Gaddafi has hired thugs to be indiscriminate killers of innocent people.  "They shoot from helicopters and from the roofs and they don't care who they kill" says one Benghazi resident.

I've been thinking that some bloodshed is necessary to get these ruthless thugs out of power.  Gaddafi has been in power for 42 years, making him the longest standing leader in the Arab world.  Although he is growing old, the Libyan people realize that when he cedes power, it will be given to someone who shares his thirst for absolute power.

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

Leadership in Business

Without principles and guideposts, we are all similar to bags floating in the wind.  Whatever your personal belief system may be, we all need a solid foundation on which to rely in uncertain times.  With the decline of the American economy in recent years, companies and corporations have also worked hard to present ways to further their professional image and improve results.  

Business is a lot like cooking in that you must have the right amounts of ingredients in the right places to succeed.  When you bake a cake, adding too much flour or baking soda will ruin the entire thing.  In the same way, businesses must find the right combination of marketing, accounting, research and development, information technology, and leadership to flourish especially during tough times.  

Leadership is the component of a business that I want to focus on today.  Instead of thinking of leadership as an outcome, it is more wise to think of leadership as a process.  In order to attain the results we desire, we must effectively engage the process of leadership.  At its core, leadership is using models of human communication to meet shared goals and needs on business issues that are important to the company.

Becoming an effective leader involves many components.  First, and counterintuitively, a great leader must be a great listener.  Part of what it means to engage the process of leadership is to take a given group’s thoughts, emotions, and experiences (called feedback) and then mold them into a plan of action.  In history, we see many authority figures who did not listen, and as a result, crafted plans that did not reflect the values of the group.  On the other hand, there are leadership ideas and corporate principles that focus on the shared values of the employees and management.  

For example, the Japanese word “Kaizen” refers to the business practices that focus upon continuous improvement in manufacturing, engineering, innovation, and management.  Like leadership, Kaizen is best thought of as a process which goes beyond simply improving productivity.  Effective leadership and Kaizen both emphasize humanizing the workplace by viewing a business as an interrelated system of components.  What I mean is that leadership is not necessarily a top-to-bottom, hierarchical process.  Instead, effective engaging the process of leadership using the principle of Kaizen involves the participation of everyone within the organization, which in turn creates a flexible business system instead of a rigid hierarchy. 

Now, while leadership through the lens of Kaizen can be very effective, we need to consider another element in the equation of a successful business--the customer.  Without customers, a business cannot exist.  The revenue that customers provide to a business can be likened to oxygen that allows the human body to function.  When you don’t have a customer base, a business cannot survive for very long.  Analogously, if a human cannot breathe oxygen, s/he will not survive for very long.  As a business, you should always focus on satisfying customer needs.  Trying to figure out those customer needs in a timely manner is the tricky part.  For instance, a sales representative in the pharmaceutical industry has about 2 minutes of a customer’s time to make a strong first impression and close the sale.  The only possible way the representative can make a sale in such a short time period is to come prepared with a positive mental attitude.  Positivity is a contagious force, and when a sales rep exudes confidence and devotion, a customer is more likely to pick up on those signals, and thus purchase a product.  Of course, the product you are marketing must actually be superior, but the job of a sales rep is to prove to the customer why their product is better than what the competitor is offering.

To wrap this up, I want to restate that leadership should be thought of as a process.  I gave an example of corporate leadership in the Japanese principle of Kaizen.  In order for leadership and Kaizen to be effective at a management level, the customer must be satisfied, which is why the job of the sales department is so crucial.  A human body cannot survive when it is starved of oxygen.  Similarly, a business cannot prosper if revenue is not coming in.       

Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

5 Inspirational Speeches from Movies

Instead of the normal current events recap, I am going to publish a list of 5 inspirational speeches from films.  I can assure you that this list is in no way comprehensive of all the great speeches in film and it is solely based on my opinion.  Enjoy!

1. General Patton

George Scott's speech at the beginning of "Patton" is six minutes of pure patriotism.  In the background, we see an over-sized American flag.  Scott won an Oscar for his portrayal as General Patton, and to this day, I cannot see Scott in a movie without thinking about this speech.

2. Bluto Blutarski

In one of John Belushi's finest comedic moments, he delivers this inspirational speech to his house brothers in Animal House.  While his content is completely off the mark (he claims the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor), if you have seen Animal House, you'd understand the hilarious nature that Bluto Blutarski brings to the table.

3. Coach Norman Dale

Every basketball fan has seen Hoosiers at least once.  Coach Norman Dale keeps it short and sweet while preparing his small town Indiana high school basketball team to play in the state championship.  "If you put your effort and concentration into playing to your potential...I don't care what the scoreboard says at the end of the game.  In my book, we are going to be winners."

4. Coach Herman Boone

Remember the Titans is a sports movie that also addresses racism, segregation, and overcoming adversity.  Coach Boone's speech at Gettysburg turned out to be the moment when the Titans united as a team.  "If we don't come together right now on this hollow ground, then we too will be destroyed."

5. William Wallace

Braveheart is a medieval example of men standing up in the face of tyranny oppression.  William delivered this speech right before the Scottish army plunged into battle.  Before the battle starts, there are still a few naysayers whom Wallace deals with swiftly.  I haven't seen Braveheart in years, but it's definitely a quality film.

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

21 Ways To Make Today Great

1. Smile at everyone you see
2. Have a great conversation
3. Laugh often
4. Don’t let distractions hinder your productivity
5. Eat healthy foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
6. Spend an hour observing how beautiful nature is
7. Spend quality time with your loved ones
8. Melt away stress by doing yoga
9. Perform random acts of kindness
10. Think about the value of education
11. Have a positive mental attitude
12. Listen to your favorite music
13. Do the right thing and don’t bother trying to please everyone
14. Listen to someone else without thinking about what you are going to say next
15. Recognize that today is a gift, not a burden
16. Love unconditionally
17. Be productive
18. Get one important thing done
19. Watch a sunrise or sunset
20. Go for a walk
21. Go to bed early and get a good night’s sleep

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Congrats K-State

I have a confession to make.  I'm not one of those bitter sports fans that hold grudges against rival teams.  You will never hear me use some of the foul and offensive language that I heard in the dorms last night to describe a Wildcat basketball team and fan section composed of decent human beings.  Admittedly, we all have a bias towards our own sports teams.  You don't need to look further than the local sports page to see that the number one basketball team in the land was defeated last night.  I think K-State fans had every right to storm the court after they defeated my beloved Jayhawks last night.  After a difficult year where two players left the team and two players were suspended, the Wildcats and their fans finally have something to cheer about.  Although this season has not panned out the way the Wildcats expected, a victory against Kansas has reignited their hopes to earn a bid to the Big Dance in March.  
The Cats preseason dreams have faded as they have fallen out of the AP and USA Today polls after being ranked third in the nation in the beginning of the campaign.  Last night, guard Jacob Pullen finally exhibited the leadership skills that Cats fans expected.  He scored 38 points, made an astonishing 15 free throws, and recorded 3 rebounds, 5 assists, 2 steals and a block.  To put this into perspective, without Jacob Pullen, the Wildcats would have scored just 46 points.    

Meanwhile, KU endured its second loss of the season shortly after holding the spot of number one.  Is KU still arguably the best team in the country?  Absolutely.  Last night, the Jayhawks were short-handed without Thomas Robinson and a healthy Josh Selby.  Quite honestly, I'm not sure KU would have won with contributions from those two players, but their absences certainly changed the chemistry of the game.  Now, the Jayhawks must find a way to recover and look to the future.  Tyshaun Taylor had nearly as many turnovers (6) as he did points (8), and for that, the credit must go to the K-State defense.With only two losses, the Jayhawks still have a likely shot at becoming a #1 seed come March Madness.     
So Cats fans should celebrate this victory, as it might be the deciding factor of whether K-State earns a bid to the Big Dance in March.  If you must, milk this victory for all it's worth.  In fact, your ridicule is protected by the United States Constitution, but know that Jayhawks fans everywhere will be expecting a rematch in the Big 12 tournament.  After all, if the Cats have the talent to defeat the number one team in the country, then surely they can advance to the final rounds of their own conference tournament.      

Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Dispatch 2/14/11

Sitting in my dorm room on a sunny Monday afternoon.  This weekend was very interesting.  For those of you that stayed in Lawrence, you might have gone to the basketball game.  KU dominated an outmatched Iowa State team.  Is it possible to live in Lawrence and not be a basketball fan?  Come this time of year, you get all kinds of folks interested in basketball.  Back in high school, only the jocks, their girlfriends, and the band attended the sporting events.  Now, there's this huge melting pot of humanity that follows KU basketball.  I've met lots of people in both my philosophy and business classes that talk about KU basketball.  Hey, if it bring people together, chances are it's probably a positive thing.

There's so much to learn and so little time.  Everyday, I kick myself for taking time to relax.  Rationally, I know that the mind and body need leisure time, but I have a tough time translating that thought into action.  I cannot slow down, even for a minute.  What would happen if I slowed down?  Complacency might creep into my life.  I might become self-satisfied with my accomplishments and achievements, which is a terrible thing.

Earlier this week, I listened to an apt description for most of the conversations I hear in Lawrence.  In their track, "Sounds of Silence", Simon and Garfunkel sing about "people talking without speaking, people hearing without listening".  There's nothing wrong with taking a few moments to collect your thoughts before you speak.  Just out of curiosity, I tracked how many times I heard the incorrect usage of the word 'like' today.  I counted to fifty by 11 A.M. and decided pursuing the project was futile.  The poor use of the English language bows down to a larger problem that I am noticing--an overall lack of inner calm and tranquility.  The energy that is used to complain can be saved for more productive activities.  Generally, my mind is concentrated on my tasks.  I must be calm to make it through the schedule I have set up for myself.  If I lose my cool, if I let it get to me, calamity will be the result.  This world can drive you insane if you don't maintain a calm, steady mind.

Today is Valentine's Day, which doesn't mean much to all of us who are single.  My friend and I noticed an interesting trend in commercials over the past few days.  Every Valentine's Day commercial we saw was directed towards men.  We heard slogans such as "Buy her something special for Valentine's Day". Quite honestly, Valentine's Day is more about buying things for the girl than anything else.

I hope everyone has a safe and productive week.  Thanks,





Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

The Duggar Family

Are you interested in learning more about the Duggar Family? Purchase either A Love That Multiplies: An Up-Close View of How They Make it Work or The Duggars: 20 and Counting!: Raising One of America's Largest Families--How they Do It to learn more about this unique family.

Two weeks ago, I wrote about how I have become friends with Christians in Lawrence through my involvement with Students for Life of KU.  After a semester-long hiatus, the "pro-life club" as we are better known as, has made a strong resurgence.  In fact, earlier today, we volunteered at a massive fundraiser for the Pregnancy Care Center of Lawrence (PCC).  The event featured the Duggar Family from TLC's TV Show "19 and Counting".

I actually had a wonderful time listening to 17 of the 19 kids perform.  Each one of them sings and plays the violin.  Although the event was entertaining and I had the opportunity to meet local basketball legend Wayne Simien, the purpose behind the festivities was far more meaningful.  The employees at the Pregnancy Care Center of Lawrence (PCC) have dedicated their lives to reaching out to women in Douglas County who are facing unplanned pregnancies.  PCC provides accurate information for women considering an abortion so they can make a thoughtful and informed choice.  In addition, PCC provides a atmosphere of support to help women who have had an abortion in the healing process.  What they are doing is truly wonderful, and I am proud to be associated with such a righteous organization.  

Partially through the efforts of the PCC to reach out and present other options to pregnant young women,  Planned Parenthood decided to close their Lawrence office last August.  According to a notice posted in the window of the office, the Planned Parenthood center closed due to a lack of demand for its services.  Needless to say, the PCC and it's affiliates were ecstatic when this news broke.  It means that pregnant women in Lawrence have decided to choose life to the point where the only legal abortion option in the entire city was forced to discontinue its operations.  Although it is a small victory, it is one that we can be proud of.        

Even though we might not be making great strides to criminalize abortion in Lawrence, we are making progress.  It is important to be realistic about what one pregnancy center and one student organization can accomplish.  As long as there are human beings, there will be aborted babies.  You cannot entirely eradicate abortion even if you criminalize it.  Furthermore, it is commonly noted that the abortion debate is comparable to a game of tug-of-war where one side can never gain an advantage.  Therefore, skeptics note, it is foolish to partake in the fight to defend life.  I disagree.  Think about what would happen if the pro-life side let go of the rope.  I think that without a strong contingent of individuals standing up for what is right, the pro-choicers will have their way swiftly and easily especially in America, where the diversity of ideas is partially what prevents demagogues from gaining inordinate amounts of authority.  Pope John Paul II once noted, "America you are beautiful...and blessed...The ultimate test of your greatness is the way you treat every human being, but especially the weakest and most defenseless.  If you want equal justice for all and true freedom and lasting peace, then America, defend life."

If you believe that the pro-life movement is a result of irrational religious dogma, consider this article by outspoken atheist and KU philosophy professor Don Marquis.  Dr. Marquis argues that abortion is, except in rare cases, seriously immoral and that it is in the same moral category as killing an innocent adult human being.  You see, the pro-choicer's game plan is to find a rationale that narrows the scope of murder so that abortion will not fall under it.

Although there are many valid philosophical arguments in opposition to abortion, we must continue to act now to prevent the further increase in numbers of babies aborted.  The PCC is attacking the problem on one front---providing information to young, pregnant women considering an abortion.  Individuals like Pam Stenzel work on the preventative side of the issue by addressing the importance of abstinence.  Then organizations like Project Rachel work on healing the scars-both emotional and physical- that abortion leaves.  
The passion with which the presenters at the fundraiser spoke was eye-opening.  Abortion is arguably the most sensitive and controversial issue in the lives of Baby Boomers and Generation Y.  Since it's legalization in 1973, the number of abortions has increased dramatically in America because once the result of Roe v. Wade became law, abortions became much more accessible.  In America alone, approximately 3,700 abortions are performed every day.  While abortion in America is legal, it is definitely not widely accepted as evidenced by the 650 confident pro-life individuals who attended the Duggars in Lawrence event.

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Lessons Learned From Henry Rollins

As you might know, Henry Rollins is a modern-day renaissance man.  At the age of 50, he wears many hats, including that of singer, songwriter, spoken word artist, writer, activist, radio DJ, television show host, publisher, and actor.  You might have heard of Henry from his days as the lead singer for the seminal hard core punk group Black Flag or you might have had the pleasure of listening to one of his signature 3-hour performances.  Whatever the case may be, here are six life lessons that we can all glean from Henry.    
1. Your work should be more than just a job

“I take what I do seriously. I love it and I want to do well at it and work hard.”

Henry is one of the most disciplined and hardest working guys you will ever encounter.  He travels the world to gather stories for his spoken word performances, shoots documentaries, and hosts a radio show.  However, this is only the tip of the iceberg for Rollins.  In itself, his bibliography contains enough to fill a book.  So, if you motivation is pure and you sincerely want to perform well, do your work earnestly.   
2. Own Your Life

“It’ll destroy you if you make it mean anything to anyone but yourself.”
When you start letting other control the course of your life, you have effectively compromised yourself.  It’s important to always live your own life, because vicariously living someone else’s life is a severe waste of time.  Now, this is not to say we should not seek advice from others.  We should definitely look to our role models for advice, but ultimately we must own every decision we make.      
3. Have a strong sense of yourself

“I have never met a truly strong person who didn't have self-respect. I think a lot of inwardly and outwardly directed contempt passes itself off as self-respect: the idea of raising yourself by stepping on someone's shoulders instead of doing it yourself.”
In order to own your life, you first must have a strong sense of yourself.  You can come to know yourself inside and out by spending time in reflection everyday.  Write your experiences, thoughts, and emotions down in journal to preserve a little remnant of yourself for future reference.  Think about who you are and what makes you tick.  What makes you different from everyone else?  What do you know to be true about yourself?   
4. Always act honestly

“I see the truth as my shield. As long as I tell the truth I feel that nobody can touch me. I can't really explain it, but I feel as long as I tell them my dark sides there is nothing they can dig up. If I don't hide anything there is nothing to be scared of.”
Even if you never publish your own reflections, always be honest with your peers, friends, and family.  Many corporate scandals, divorces, and broken hearts could have been avoided simply by being entirely open and honest.  Furthermore, you own credibility in the eyes of other people will improve if you continue to tell the truth.  Even if you make a mistake, trying to cover it up with a lie will eventually come back to bite you.  Own up to your mistakes and be honest.     
5. Be a citizen of the world

“Knowledge without mileage equals nothing to me.”
Instead of relying on the television to provide him with information, Henry hits the streets.  He has traveled across the globe in search of knowledge and understanding of other cultures.  Last June, when I went to see him speak in Lawrence, Kansas, he told stories about his experiences in China, Iran, South Africa, Ireland, Great Britain, Malaysia, Singapore, and Bahrain.  In addition to traveling extensively, Henry also performs for United States troops through the United Service Organizations (USO).  
6. Never Doubt Yourself
“If I listened to all the things that they sad to me I wouldn't be here, If I took the time to bleed from all the tiny arrows I wouldn't be here, The ones who don't do anything are always the ones to try to put you down, You could spend your entire life in the nowhere land of self doubt, because when you start to doubt yourself the real world will eat you alive.”
Although Henry held a cynical view of human nature for most of his early years, most of this was justified.  When he was the lead singer of Black Flag, people who claimed to be fans stole his food, clothes, and even poured beer on their equipment.  Having a high self-esteem can take you a long way in this world.  Without self-confidence, your life will begin to deconstruct.  Believing in yourself is the foundation that we all need to accomplish great things.