Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

The Duggar Family

Are you interested in learning more about the Duggar Family? Purchase either A Love That Multiplies: An Up-Close View of How They Make it Work or The Duggars: 20 and Counting!: Raising One of America's Largest Families--How they Do It to learn more about this unique family.

Two weeks ago, I wrote about how I have become friends with Christians in Lawrence through my involvement with Students for Life of KU.  After a semester-long hiatus, the "pro-life club" as we are better known as, has made a strong resurgence.  In fact, earlier today, we volunteered at a massive fundraiser for the Pregnancy Care Center of Lawrence (PCC).  The event featured the Duggar Family from TLC's TV Show "19 and Counting".

I actually had a wonderful time listening to 17 of the 19 kids perform.  Each one of them sings and plays the violin.  Although the event was entertaining and I had the opportunity to meet local basketball legend Wayne Simien, the purpose behind the festivities was far more meaningful.  The employees at the Pregnancy Care Center of Lawrence (PCC) have dedicated their lives to reaching out to women in Douglas County who are facing unplanned pregnancies.  PCC provides accurate information for women considering an abortion so they can make a thoughtful and informed choice.  In addition, PCC provides a atmosphere of support to help women who have had an abortion in the healing process.  What they are doing is truly wonderful, and I am proud to be associated with such a righteous organization.  

Partially through the efforts of the PCC to reach out and present other options to pregnant young women,  Planned Parenthood decided to close their Lawrence office last August.  According to a notice posted in the window of the office, the Planned Parenthood center closed due to a lack of demand for its services.  Needless to say, the PCC and it's affiliates were ecstatic when this news broke.  It means that pregnant women in Lawrence have decided to choose life to the point where the only legal abortion option in the entire city was forced to discontinue its operations.  Although it is a small victory, it is one that we can be proud of.        

Even though we might not be making great strides to criminalize abortion in Lawrence, we are making progress.  It is important to be realistic about what one pregnancy center and one student organization can accomplish.  As long as there are human beings, there will be aborted babies.  You cannot entirely eradicate abortion even if you criminalize it.  Furthermore, it is commonly noted that the abortion debate is comparable to a game of tug-of-war where one side can never gain an advantage.  Therefore, skeptics note, it is foolish to partake in the fight to defend life.  I disagree.  Think about what would happen if the pro-life side let go of the rope.  I think that without a strong contingent of individuals standing up for what is right, the pro-choicers will have their way swiftly and easily especially in America, where the diversity of ideas is partially what prevents demagogues from gaining inordinate amounts of authority.  Pope John Paul II once noted, "America you are beautiful...and blessed...The ultimate test of your greatness is the way you treat every human being, but especially the weakest and most defenseless.  If you want equal justice for all and true freedom and lasting peace, then America, defend life."

If you believe that the pro-life movement is a result of irrational religious dogma, consider this article by outspoken atheist and KU philosophy professor Don Marquis.  Dr. Marquis argues that abortion is, except in rare cases, seriously immoral and that it is in the same moral category as killing an innocent adult human being.  You see, the pro-choicer's game plan is to find a rationale that narrows the scope of murder so that abortion will not fall under it.

Although there are many valid philosophical arguments in opposition to abortion, we must continue to act now to prevent the further increase in numbers of babies aborted.  The PCC is attacking the problem on one front---providing information to young, pregnant women considering an abortion.  Individuals like Pam Stenzel work on the preventative side of the issue by addressing the importance of abstinence.  Then organizations like Project Rachel work on healing the scars-both emotional and physical- that abortion leaves.  
The passion with which the presenters at the fundraiser spoke was eye-opening.  Abortion is arguably the most sensitive and controversial issue in the lives of Baby Boomers and Generation Y.  Since it's legalization in 1973, the number of abortions has increased dramatically in America because once the result of Roe v. Wade became law, abortions became much more accessible.  In America alone, approximately 3,700 abortions are performed every day.  While abortion in America is legal, it is definitely not widely accepted as evidenced by the 650 confident pro-life individuals who attended the Duggars in Lawrence event.

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