Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Brain-Boosting Foods

Ritalin and Adderall are two common prescription medications used by college students across the nation.  These drugs make an individual focus for longer spans of time by altering chemicals in the brain.  I’ve heard success stories from students who take Adderall.  One friend of mine aces every test he takes because he pops a couple pills a couple days before his exams and studies away.  
Because I adhere to the principles of straight-edge, I never intake any type of substance that alters my mind.  Instead, I’ve discovered natural ways to increase brain function when it comes time to study.  Here are some of the best foods for your brain.  Start stocking up on these foods and observe how much your focus and memory improve.
Almost all fish has plenty of omega-3 fatty acids.  It’s not the fish that is healthy for you, it’s the algae that the fish consume.  When you are buying fish, purchase fish that has not been fattened on an unhealthy diet of grain-feed.  You might need to pay a bit more, but your brain will thank you.  

Blue Berries
Blue berries are an antioxidant powerhouse, neutralizing damage to tissue and cells that cause cataracts, glaucoma, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids.  I cannot verify this, but I’ve read in many articles that blue berries improve your memory and increase mental capacity.  

Eggs are a rich source of Vitamin B and essential fatty acids.  The yolk is rich in choline, which is a basic building block of brain cells that helps improve memory.  Take ‘em scrambled or poached!

Every time I enter the dining hall, I don’t let myself leave until I consume a fair amount of broccoli.  You might not like the taste of them, but broccoli, carrots, olives, and cauliflower love helping your brain maximize its functioning capabilities.  

There’s a reason the FDA included vegetables and fruits on their Food Pyramid--they are good for you.  If you fill your plate with the colors of the rainbow, your brain will be more colorful and creative.  Avocados are especially good at increasing blood flow to the brain because they contain monounsaturated fats.  Cantaloupes, watermelon, plums, oranges, apples, grapes, and peaches also will get the job done.

Bonus: Water     
Nearly three fourths of the brain is water, so H20 is an essential component for the smooth functioning of the brain.  If you don’t believe me, check out people who are dehydrated.  The main character of 127 Days began to hallucinate after 2 days without water.  When dehydration occurs, the brain releases a chemical called cortisol, which shrinks dendrites (the branches that store information).  This leads to a decrease in memory power. 


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