Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

How Wi-Fi Networks and Free Wi-Fi Can Be Risky

Do you have a smartphone?  Do you use wireless internet on that phone?  Wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) is available on nearly every cell phone on the market today, but this convenient piece of technology brings with it potential risks and privacy concerns.  
According to CNet News, 3.5 billion devices will have Wi-Fi capabilities by 2014-that’s roughly half of the world’s population.  These devices include televisions, cell phones, and other computers that have a WiFi signal.  This is great as far as internet accessibility goes, but a well-informed consumer will know the risks as well as the benefits of such a risky venture.  
All WiFi devices emit a unique signal that can identify a particular device.  This signal is known as a MAC address.  If you have an I-Phone, you can scroll to the settings to locate yours.  Why is a MAC address relevant?  Google’s recent project Street View has discovered that its cars had “collected the unique identifiers of millions of WiFi enabled devices”  Google then made that data public, which enables access of this information to quite literally anyone with internet access.  If you know someone’s MAC address, you can then use Google to find out where they live, where they work, and other details about an individual.  
If you have played the popular I-Phone app Foursquare, then you know it uses your current location.  Likewise, Apple records the location of I-Phone and I-Pad users as they move around.  Just last week, a company called TruePosition, which makes software that can track your location in case the police need to locate you in an emergency, has reportedly sold its software to foreign governments.  What happens when governments start using this technology to spy on citizens?
I can see the potential benefits of companies tracking your location and collecting your data, but like anything else, this new technology can fall into the hands of people with evil motivations.  I encourage everyone to be more aware of ways in which your personal devices can be used to collect information about you.  Do your research and make a wise decision before making a purchase of a WiFi enabled gadget.
Another point to consider--how vulnerable is your personal information at public Wi-Fi spots?  These places are easy and convenient, but their openness allows anyone to sign on.  To secure a more safe browsing session, only use services that use “https” so your data traffic is more secure.   

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