Senin, 11 April 2011

Movie Review: Blood Money

Recently, the pro-life club at KU screened a film called Blood Money, a documentary that aims to expose the reality of the abortion industry.  Blood Money tries to accomplish quite a bit, but I thought it succeeded in laying out facts about the abortion industry and the emotional impact that abortion has on both women and men.  
The film squeezes Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood, the debate over when life begins,  how abortion affects women who have had one, and the sociocultural effects of abortion into an hour and 15 minutes.  As the title implies, the main focus was how abortion has become a business, primarily through the vehicle of Planned Parenthood.  
I took a look at Planned Parenthood’s most recent annual report out of curiosity, and what I found was disturbing.  Blood Money interviewed Carol Everette who is an former employee of Planned Parenthood.  She shared a couple horror stories, one in which a woman bled to death after aborting her baby.  In another instance, an abortion procedure went awry.  Instead of pulling out the dead baby from the mother’s womb, the “doctor” accidentally grabbed the woman’s large intestine and yanked it out of her.  She said, “We [Planned Parenthood] would give them [young girls] a low-dose birth control pill they would get pregnant on or a defective condom.  Our goal was 3-5 abortions for every girl between the ages of thirteen and eighteen.  These are the kind of stories that make you realize how horrific, disturbing, and shocking abortion actually is.  So when I carefully read Planned Parenthood’s most recent annual report, it was as if I was hearing two completely different stories.  The letter from the Chair and President was peppered with phrases such as “pro-choice”, “the nation’s largest sex educator”, and “powerful advocate for sexual health and rights.”  Planned Parenthood claims that only three percent of their clients received abortion services in 2008.  Then, it cleverly covered up where their revenue streams were coming from on their income statement.  $1.1 billion in revenue came from the following sources- health center income, government grants and contracts, private contributions and bequests, support from affiliates, and other operating revenue.  You know what “health center income” means?  It means about $350-$950 for an abortion in the first trimester and usually more for a second or third trimester abortion.  The cost to have an abortion increases depending on how long a woman has been pregnant, but as Planned Parenthood points out, “Hospitals generally cost more.”
While the business aspect of abortion is directly related to my major and interests, another deeply disconcerting part of abortion is the long-term health effects on the woman.  Abortion is sold as a quick fix to an unplanned pregnancy.  Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics market their service as one that will make your problem go away.  The movie interviewed several women who testified that the problem does not go away after you have an abortion.  In fact, after an abortion, the mental and psychological torment of the woman are just beginning.  Blood Money interviewed women who attempted suicide after aborting their babies.  One woman said she has spent the better part of 20 years trying to forget about her abortion, but she is stilled haunted by it.

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