Rabu, 27 April 2011

How To Start

“How do you do it?”, she asked me.  “You are so driven and you take all these classes and you are so involved with all these wonderful things.  And you still find time to publish everyday on your blog.  How do you find the time to maintain a blog with all your commitments?”
I flashed a giant grin.  “Well, when you know, it’s easy.”
“What do you mean by that?”, she insisted.  “Most people I know would break under the pressures of stress.  I can’t go more than a few hours without stopping for a few minutes of leisure.”
I thought about what she had said for a moment.  “Blogging is my leisure.  Writing is my hobby.  I don’t consider myself particularly good at it, but I enjoy it.  A lot of young, aspiring writers are concerned getting published.  I’d rather write about things that make me laugh or inspire me or make me feel connected to the rest of the world.”  
“That’s it?  No launch plan?  No business model?”, she questioned.
“Yes, I have monetized my blog to bring in some extra revenue, but most of those tweaks were not my core purpose.”
“I think I get it.  Your writing motivates you to also run your own business online.”
“Yea, something like that”, I responded.  The only way you can fail is by waiting around until you have a perfect plan.  My advice would be to start writing and worry about all the other stuff later on down the road.  Your writings don’t have to be perfect.”
There’s something tricky about starting new things.  We let our analytical side run wild when it comes to planning, designing, and drafting new creations.  Sometimes, all the thought can paradoxically hinder your progress of creating something beautiful.
The fear of failure is another thing that prevents us from starting with a less than perfect plan.  “If you don’t get it done right the first time, you creations will fail and all efforts will be lost.” is the common misconception I’ve heard.  
Neither of these falsehoods are good reasons to prevent you from trying something new.  For me, it was blogging.  I had a core purpose when I first started blogging- to inform and inspire my readers.  How I went about doing that was the part that took some time.  I wasn’t afraid to take the first step and start publishing.  One of the biggest mistakes we can make is refusing to start something because everything isn’t “perfect”.
Less than perfect is a perfect place to start.

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