Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Lost On the Moon

A few weeks ago, we did a very interesting group project in my leadership class.  The main point of the activity was to prove how group work is more effective than working alone.  This exercise was provided by NASA, and here it is.
Objective- To come as close as possible to the best “solution” as determined by the experts of NASA.  
The Scenario-
Your spaceship has just crashed on the moon. You were scheduled to rendezvous with a mother ship 200 miles away on the lighted surface of the moon, but the rough landing has ruined your ship and destroyed all the equipment on board except for the 15 items listed below.
Your crew’s survival depends on reaching the mother ship, so you must choose the most critical items available for the 200-mile trip.
Your task is to rank the 15 items in terms of their importance for survival. Place a number 1 by the most important item, number 2 by the second most important, and so on, through number 15, the least important.
______ Box of matches
______ Food concentrate
______ 50 feet of nylon rope
______ Parachute silk
______ Solar-powered portable heating unit
______ Two .45­caliber pistols
______ One case of dehydrated milk
______ Two 100-pound tanks of oxygen
______ Stellar map (of the moon’s constellations)
______ Self-inflating life raft
______ Magnetic compass
______ 5 gallons of water
______ Signal flares
______ First-aid kit containing injection needles
______ Solar-powered FM receiver-transmitter
I’ll post the answers soon.  When I did this, I did better than most of my peers, but I still made some very silly choices.  See how you do!  If you feel inclined to leave a comment with your answers, please do!

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