Rabu, 16 November 2011

Reasons Why You Should Visit Office Hours

In college, every professor is required to hold office hours, which is a chance for students to stop by without an appointment and ask questions about the course.  When I started college, I told myself every excuse in the book to avoid office hours:
-I had too much homework.
-I had a class during the scheduled office hours.
-Office hours are for struggling students.
-I am intimidated by the professor.

Now, I look forward to the opportunity to interact with professors.  I can’t pinpoint a specific time when my attitude towards office hours shifted, but it did, and I now make every effort I can to become acquainted with some of the smartest people in the world.  Besides a casual conversation, there are many benefits that showing up to office hours can offer you. 
Clarification on course material
In a lecture, it can be difficult to summon the courage to ask a question.  You might feel insecure or embarrassed at asking a question the class might already knows the answer to.  If the textbook does not offer an answer that makes sense, go see your professor about your concern.  After all, the professor is the individual teaching the class.  Therefore, he or she is expected understand the course material to a greater extent than you.  Go in there with questions, listen, and hopefully, you will come out a more informed person.
Job Opportunities
While a professor has the power to offer you as job as a teaching assistant, most of the time, a strong letter of recommendation will help you tremendously.  Furthermore, professors are generally well-connected people who can refer you to someone in the field you are interested in.  If a contact ends up landing you a job or internship, remember to be appreciative and grateful to your professor.
Enhance Your Education Experience
I know this idea sounds absurd, but you might actually be one of the few people in college to learn new things.  If you find the course material to be intellectually stimulating, go to office hours to learn about other courses that will further your understanding of your areas of interest.  Professors can also offer you good advice about graduate school and research opportunities relevant to your academic interests.  Tuition and fees are exorbitant as it is, so why not get your money’s worth? 

Just like you, professors are people.  If you treat them with respect and decency, you will find they will react the same way.  Professors want to inform and share their knowledge about their discipline, or else they would not have applied for a teaching job.  Demonstrate honesty, sincere curiosity, and respect, and you can’t go wrong. 

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