Sabtu, 26 November 2011

A Blind Man's Advertisement

Once upon a time, an old blind man was sitting on the busy street corner in downtown Kansas City begging for money.  On a cardboard sign, next to an empty tin cup, he had written, "Blind--Please Help" 

He sat there for hours, and no one gave him any money.  Eventually, a young advertising agent walked past, saw the blind man and his empty cup, and noticed all the people passing by.  The advertising agent took a thick marker from her pocket, turned the cardboard sheet over.  After pondering for a moment, she rewrote the sign and headed on her way.

Immediately, passerbys began to put money in the tin cup.  After awhile, when the cup was overflowing with money, the blind man asked a stranger to tell him what the sign said.

"It says, 'It's a beautiful day.  You can see it.  I cannot.'" replied the stranger.

This anecdote is a reminder that the words we choose influences how well we connect with other people.  Whether we are aware of it or not, effective communication is absolutely essential in personal and professional lives.  If you are willing to master it, every aspect of your life will improve.    

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