Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

College Bucket List

You hear so many people rave about their college years.  They tell you college were the best years of their life.  In just 1.5 years, I will be graduating, which is testament to how fast college years pass you by.  Tom Petty summed up this common sentiment when he said, “You have four years to be irresponsible here.  Relax.  Work is for people with jobs.  You’ll never remember class time, but you’ll remember time you wasted hanging out with your friends.  So, stay out late.  Go out on a Tuesday with your friends when you have a paper due...The work never ends, but college does.”   
So how do you get the most out of your college experience?  My recommendation would be to make a college bucket list, a variation of the idea of a list of things you want to do before you “kick the bucket”.  It doesn’t matter if you are a high school senior or a college student, I’d encourage you to sit down and list out some things you’d like to achieve in your college years.  Here’s mine if you need help getting started.  The bolded and italicized items still need to be accomplished.

1. Earn membership in an honor’s society
I would create my own honor’s society if I had the capital, but being invited to various societies was a good enough self-esteem boost.

2. Be recognized for my academic achievements

Immersing yourself in other cultures is absolutely essential to the college experience.  Fortunately, I have taken advantage of the tremendous study abroad opportunities at the University of Kansas.  

4. Take classes that interest me outside of my academic majors
I have taken a number of philosophy courses at KU.

5. Interview a professor
You can read my interview with Dr. Raquel Alexander here.

6. Apply for the Rhoades scholarship
The chances of winning are slim to none, but one thing is guaranteed--you will not win if you don't apply.

Get commendable grades and search for scholarship opportunities.
Extreme Frugality

8. Pay under $100 for a semester’s worth of textbooks
Just accomplished this one this semester!

9. Go a week without paying for lunch
The first week of the semester is typically the best time to rummage for free food.  Student organizations and companies visit campus and purchase food to draw you in.
Culture and Causes

10.Attend a play, recital, or show


12. Serve as President of a student organization

13. Start a business with college friends
Time Management

14. Get a job

15. Take 20 credit hours in a semester

16. Land an internship

17. Take a road trip with friends
Doesn’t the idea of driving across the country appeal to you?  I hope to get away with some friends and head to the eastern seaboard.   

18. Pull a harmless prank that makes the University Daily Kansan

19. Attend an obscure sporting event

20. Organize a massive game of hide and seek in the Anchutz library

21. Go swimming in the Chi Omega Fountain

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