Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012

Homilies of Cardinal DiNardo and Archbishop Dolan

Earlier this week, I returned from the March for Life in Washington D.C. where, in addition to the March itself, I had the opportunity to listen to Cardinal DiNardo deliver an awe-inspiring homily to over 20,000 Catholic pilgrims in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.  His words resonated with me primarily because he stood strong against the blatant anti-life efforts of Health and Human Services and the Obama Administration.  Last week, the President Obama restated that many religious institutions would be required to fund contraception including abortifacient birth control pills as part of their health insurance coverage.  
“We are nearing the 40th anniversary of Roe versus Wade,” Cardinal DiNardo preached.  “53 million children have lost their lives since then; millions of men and women have lives that will never be the same because of their tragic choices.  Our embrace of life must be clear...Disturbing news came to us Friday from HHS and the Obama Administration: it fundamentally repeated the mandate that sterilization and contraception must be included in virtually all health plans.  Never before in our US history has the federal government forces citizens to directly purchase what violates our beliefs.”
Archbishop and Cardinal-elect Timothy Dolan added another point that hits all pro-lifers hard: 
“From a human point of view, we may be tempted to surrender, when our government places conception, pregnancy, and birth under the ‘Center for Disease Control,’ when chemically blocking conception or aborting the baby in the womb is considered a ‘right’ to be subsidized by others who abhor it.”

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