Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Dispatch 1/23/12

7:05 AM  Sitting in a hostel in Washington D.C..  The past few weeks have been hectic, yet fascinating.  I have visited Bangalore, Cochin, and Vembanad in addition to the company visits and classroom sessions in India.  Life is certainly different there.  The seemingly reckless driving is the first thing that caught my attention.  The cars have the right of way in India, which is a shock for Americans.

I'm in Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life.  Today, thousands of people, mainly Catholics, will gather to advocate for the pro-life cause on the National Mall.  I've heard it is beautiful scene, although the questionable weather will pose a challenge.  This marks my third visit to Washington D.C.  I love this city for multiple reasons.  Yesterday, I had the opportunity to visit the Holocaust Museum.  What a moving experience.  There was a cattle car used to transport Jews from their hometowns to concentration camps.  The eeriness and evil of it all hits you real hard.  Last night, I attended a mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.  Cardinals, bishops, priests, seminarians, deacons, and thousands of laypeople gathered for the annual pro-life mass.  The basilica and ceremony itself were both beautiful.      

Newt Gingrich seems to gaining momentum as we head into the heart of the primary season.  He won South Carolina by a landslide with Mitt Romney coming in second.  Rick Perry is the latest Republican candidate to drop out of the race.  

This morning, I learned Joe Paterno passed away.  Appropriately, Penn State will be holding a candlelight vigil to honor and remember him.  You don't see many college football coaches remaining at one school anymore.  My hope is that the recent scandal involving Jerry Sandusky will not tarnish his legacy.  Ideally, all the great things he did for young men and Penn State will determine how he is remembered.

Thanks for reading,


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